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Tamaki ran out his door searching for Jasper

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Tamaki ran out his door searching for Jasper. One second he was playing with him and the next he had run out the front door.

"Damn... where did he go"

"Jasper" Tamaki spoke as loud as possible without bringing attention to himself from pedestrians. He jogged faster searching around his neighborhood for his cat.

Jasper was nowhere to be found, almost like he had vanished completely. He jogged down the pavement further before seeing someone running toward him.

"Oh my god you ! My Iris is missing again!" Y/n cried. Tamaki awkwardly looked at the panicked girl.

"J-Jasper is missing too"

"WHAT WHERE DID OUR CATS GO?!" Y/n yelled, causing people to look over at the pair. Tamaki grew nervous from all the stares.

"Maybe they—"

"We have to find them right now!" Y/n cut him off and grabbed Tamaki's arm pulling him with her.

She ran up and down the streets dragging Tamaki along with her. After a few minutes of continuous running they both finally stopped and caught their breath.

"Do you have any idea where they could be?" She panted.

"I- um maybe the park by our houses I found Jasper there when he was little—"


"I- I tried but you cut me off—"

"Yea Yea let's go look at the park!" she abruptly cut him off again and pulled him by his hand causing his face to blow up into flames.

His hands began to sweat from how nervous he was getting, making him even more embarrassed. What if she made fun of him?

Why was she always so persistent?

"Ok we made it ! Now where do you think Jasper would be?"

"He likes plants so maybe behind one of the bushes or in a tree..."

"Okay split up!" she let go of his arm and went on her own to search around the park.

He felt relieved that he could finally calm his nerves without being around the person who was making him so nervous.

After a few minutes of searching Tamaki peeked over a hedge and at the same time Y/n did from the opposite side. They instantly met eyes with each other Y/n flashing him a smile before looking down.

They both looked down and watched as both cats Jasper and Iris were cuddled together sleeping. "Oh my god our cats are in love" she whispered.

"I- don't think they would be in love after meeting once—"

"Shhh can't you see them sleeping be quiet" she held up a finger to her mouth signaling him to whisper.

She walked around the hedge and sat next to Tamaki. "We are going to wait here until they wake up"

"But I want to go home—"

"But if you go home you'll break them apart..." she mumbled.

He sighed in defeat and agreed to wait for the cats to wake up. He listened to the girl talk about random things paying no mind to her.

She was funny and interesting but Tamaki couldn't be the same way with her. Being around anyone made him anxious but someone like her always so chipper and happy made it worse.

She could speak her mind and talk to anyone without being nervous. He was envious of it. He got nervous so quickly and instantly wanted to leave.

He shook out his thoughts when he felt Y/n shuffle around in the grass next to him. He turned to look at her and watched her peak over the hedge to look at the cats.


"They are awake!"

He peeked over the hedge as well, looking at the cat's stretch and yawn . Both cats took notice of their owners . Once Jasper noticed Y/n he instantly pounced on her arms.

Y/n laughed, petting Jasper happily. Tamaki smiled at the sight before realizing what he was doing and grew nervous again. He stood up and hid his face behind his arm to hide the redness. He waited patiently for Jasper to go back to him so they could go home.

Iris suddenly came up to Tamaki rubbing against his legs purring. He bent down and gently scratched her head smiling.

"Iris likes you!" Y/n beamed.

She stood up with Jasper in her arms and handed him over to Tamaki. "Sorry you can go home now" she smiled and picked up Iris.

She waved goodbye to Tamaki and walked home. The minute she left Tamaki couldn't help but feel lonely again. Yea he was relieved and wasn't nervous anymore but...

Then again he didn't have the company next to him anymore either. He ignored it and walked back to his house with Jasper in his arms as well.

 He ignored it and walked back to his house with Jasper in his arms as well

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