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"Tamaki look!" Y/n pointed over to ride in the carnival

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"Tamaki look!" Y/n pointed over to ride in the carnival. "Let's go get on it!" she abruptly grabbed his arm making him panic the closer they got to the ride.

"Are you sure this is a good idea—"

"Of course it is! It'll be fun I promise" She smiled reassuringly. "Okay.."

"C'mon let's go get in line"

They walked over the line and waited for their turn. After several minutes they finally made it up to the front and sat in their seats.

"Are you excited Tamaki?"


"Tamaki?" She glanced at the boy who was staring at his legs . "Are you okay?"

"Huh.. oh yea just nervous.."

"Have you ever been on a ride before?"




He shook his head and continued to look away from her "I didn't want to ruin your fun.."

"Awww Tamaki that's so sweet"

Suddenly the conductor began to count down, causing the poor boy to tense up. "Three ... Two ..."

Y/n quickly grabbed his hand holding it tightly trying to reassure him but the contact only made him grow even more nervous.

He was holding hands with her... Now this felt like a date. HE WAS HOLDING HANDS WITH HER



The ride instantly took off, making Tamaki get out his thoughts. The screams and laughter of everyone were heard while he grabbed onto Y/n tighter.

It wasn't as bad as he expected. It was actually fun. He wouldn't scream or put his hands up like everyone else. It felt embarrassing.

He watched Y/n as she screamed and laughed making his nerves calm down. She was happy and enjoying herself. That's what he wanted. That was the only reason he had invited her to the carnival in the first place.

After a few more seconds the ride finally ended and they hopped off . They headed out to check out the rest of the things they had left to visit.

She still held onto his hand the entire time. At first he was still nervous but after a while he eased into it and enjoyed it. It made them seem like a couple...

Even if they weren't, people around them didn't know that. So that made him feel safer. That no guy would try to flirt with her. Hopefully...

He wouldn't say that out loud though. She would only tease him over it. "Tamaki, they have cat rings..."

She pointed down at the table at two identical cat rings. "Let's get matching cat rings!"

"Those are really cute.." A small smile spread across his face before he picked them both up and walked up to the cashier.

The old woman at the cashier slid the items scanning them. "Are you two a couple? You two are very cute" She smiled putting the rings into a small bag.

"No we aren't ma'am," Y/n shook her head. "At least not yet" she giggled walking out the store leaving Tamaki stunned.


He ran out the store to catch up to her. She handed him the ring and they both put them on. "They look so cute Tamaki! Does this mean we are like an old married couple or something?!"

"We aren't old... or a couple.. not yet anyways"



"Oh nothing... Let's go on that ride!" She grabbed his arm pulling him over to another ride.

He couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she said not yet in the store. Did that mean she felt what he did? Was the teasing her way of saying that? He couldn't understand it.

He couldn't even muster up the words to say what he felt. It was all so confusing....

After a long day of being at the carnival they had finally made it to Tamaki's house. Tamaki left her in his room with Jasper while he took out the trash.

Except the second he walked back in she was asleep cuddling with Jasper. Jasper was laid right next to her snuggling into her chest while she had her arm over him.

Jasper's lucky....

He sat next to her and placed a blanket over her afraid she might get cold. He didn't want to wake her up...

In all honesty he hoped she wouldn't until the next morning. The sight of her cuddling Jasper was cute... he could get used to it.

"Tamaki, why are you staring..." She muttered, turning over to look at him.

"I- Um sorry-" He somehow teleported to his wall hiding his face in embarrassment. Y/n silently laughed only making his cheeks grow pink.

"Stop being embarrassed and lay with me" She patted the empty space next to her.

"W-What I can't do t-that"

"Sure you can hurry up"

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes Tamaki"

He awkwardly laid down next to facing away from her . The butterflies in his stomach only grew from the close proximity they were in.

Again she went back to hugging Jasper while he stayed asleep the entire time.

Lucky cat..

Lucky cat

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