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"Mirio, where are you?" Y/n groaned looking around at her surroundings

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"Mirio, where are you?" Y/n groaned looking around at her surroundings. He had just texted her saying he had arrived yet he was nowhere to be seen.

She looked behind the playground feeling the rocks under her crunch each time she stepped. Suddenly she heard the rocks behind her crunch causing her to turn back.

"Boo" she squealed, jumping back after hearing the sudden noise.

"HAHA" Mirio let out a loud laugh at the girl.

"YOU DUMB ASS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" she hit the top of his head with her hand causing him groan out in pain.

"Ow" he rubbed his head trying to soothe the pain.

"That was rude.."

"YOU SCARED ME!" Y/n defended.

"It was funny!"

"Yea Yea whatever how have you been Mirio it's been like a whole month since I last seen you"

"I've just been hanging out with my friends or working at my shop. How have you been?"

"Oh so much I met this super cute boy!"

"What's his name?" he asked as he took out a bag of chips from his backpack, handing one to Y/n.

"Um I don't know"



"Whatever not the point anyways he's cute , black hair also loves cats but he's super shy.."

"Wait... does he have a cat named Jasper?" Mirio questioned.

"Yea! I love Jasper wait how do you—"


"Oh so that's his name..."

"Yeah I just went to his house yesterday!"

Y/n looked at him offended. "We live close to each other and you didn't come to visit me after wow!"

"I didn't want to bother you!"

"No I'm heartbroken " she playfully rolled her eyes, turning away from the boy.

"I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you," he scratched the top of his thinking of a way before getting an idea. "I know ! I'll bring you up when I talk to Tamaki and help you guys get together"

"Hmm... I think he hates me I annoy him a lot"

"Tamaki wouldn't hate you! He just doesn't know how to talk to new people"

Y/n nodded in agreement before stuffing her face with more chips. "These are good" she mumbled with her mouth full.

Mirio laughed at the girl before they continued talking about how their lives had been going for the past month.

They spent the rest of their day walking around the park or pushing each other on the swing set. Once the sun began to go down he walked her home and she went straight to her room to cuddle with Iris.

 Once the sun began to go down he walked her home and she went straight to her room to cuddle with Iris

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