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Y/n was laying on her bed scrolling through her feed while Ash and Iris laid next to her

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Y/n was laying on her bed scrolling through her feed while Ash and Iris laid next to her. It had been a few days since she last talked to Tamaki.

After they had kissed he became extremely nervous again. Ever since that day he didn't send her texts anymore. When she texted him he would ignore it or send dry responses.

It made her think he was mad at her. Or regretted the kiss.. Even if he did, he could tell her. She didn't want them to stop talking completely.

Which is why she decided to reach out one last time. By face-timing him... Not the best idea considering how shy he's been. Then again when does Y/n have good ideas...



Suddenly the corner of the boy's head popped out on screen making her smile. "Tamaki!"

"Uh do you hate me?"

His face was already bright pink from just talking to her. Which was the main reason only his head was in view. He scrunched up his eyes in confusion, not understanding where she would get that he hated her.

"N-No I don't hate you why?"

"Oh my god really! Thank goodness I thought you were mad... you haven't talked to me so I just thought you were"

"I'm sorry... I've been m-meaning to talk to you uh— can you come over please"

"Sure on my way!" Y/n abruptly clicked on him excited that he wanted to see her. She quickly slid her shoes on and ran out heading toward his house.

Y/n knocked on Tamaki's door waiting for a response. A few seconds passed before the door opened revealing the timid boy. His face turned red the second he made eye contact with her.

The situation became even more difficult now that she was officially here. He needed to tell her... tell her exactly how he felt about her.

He couldn't hide it any longer. He started to make her think he hated her. Yet it was the complete opposite of what he actually felt. He was scared.

Scared of her reaction. Scared of how he would have to avoid her if she didn't return the feelings. Did he really have to do this? Could he just avoid it and run away?


His eyes widened looking at the confused girl but no words came out. "You told me to come over but you haven't said anything" She laughed, making the butterflies in his stomach only grow.

"I'm sorry I— um..."

She listened to him intently waiting for him to finally spit out what he's trying to say. "I- I don't know how to say this.."

"C'mon Tamaki it can't be that bad just say it! I promise I won't freak out"

In reality he wasn't scared she would freak out. He was the one freaking out...

"Y/n I l-like you like I have feelings for y-you"

The statement caught Y/n off guard making her eyes widen. She wasn't mad if anything she was happy but she didn't expect him to be the first one to say anything to her.


"YOU DON'T HAVE TO RETURN THE FEELINGS I'M SORRY" He frantically said before seemingly teleporting to the nearest wall.

"Tamaki calm down, I never said no!"


"I like you too I thought it was obvious" She laughed at the embarrassed boy who didn't find the situation funny at all.

"I didn't know if you were joking or not..."

"Aww you're so cute Tamaki"

"I-I'm not"

"So Tamaki..."


"Does this mean I'm the top in this relationship...."


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