Chapter One

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Hi guys! I do have another Larry fan fiction, if you guys want to give it a read! Just look up, LarryDirectioners and the story is on that account! Thank you if you read this one! Xx


"Uhm...Styles." I don't know why it took me a moment to respond, as if I had to have a debate about telling her my last name, but she jots it down, not even looking up.

"Go take a seat." She demands. What crawled up her bum? I turn on the heels of my feet, and automatically three girls pat the lone seats next to theirs.

I avoid their eyes and head straight to the back of the small room, gently tossing my bag on the ground and sliding into the seat. An attractive boy sits beside me, staring directly at me.

I raise my eyebrows at him. He continues to stare, taking my face in, it seems. I roll my eyes and face the boy head on.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask him bluntly. He smiles, once.

"I want to. Free country, and everything." He smiles again. "Do you want to hang out, later?" He asks. I pretend to think over it, even sroking my nonexistent beard.


It takes him a moment for his mind to register what I said. "No?" He repeats.

"No. I don't want to 'hang out' with you. I have to do photography with my pop later, anyways." I add, feeling a bit bad for the rejection written on the boys face. His eyes widen.

"You do photography?" He asks, his voice noticably raising a few octives. I nod, and he turns, no longer staring at me, or smiling. I frown.

"Mr. Styles and Mr. Payne. Would you like to share your conversation with the rest of the class?" The teacher calls. I believe her name is Mrs. Salmon. I'm not sure, really.

"No." I glare at her as eleven pairs of eyes swing towards us. She smirks triumphantly, before turning back and scrawling something across the board.

"This year, we will be reading Hamlet." She announces. I inwardly groan and cheer at the same time. Hamlet is one of my favorite plays, however the whole class will be moving really slowly along and I'm not sure if I can take it. Once the rest of the class has books out, the boy beside me doodling mindlessly onto a corner of the desk, I make my way towards the front.

"I need to be in a more.. Advanced class." I state quietly. "I've already read Hamlet, in fact own two copies of my own. The rest of them will be moving too slowly for me."

She smiles a bit at the fact I own the book, but it disappears. "Well, you can start on the next novel. A midsummer's night dream. I have a copy if you need." I groan aloud this time.

"Ma'am, I really do need a higher class." I try again. The small smile reappers. She nods once, and I turn back to my seat. The bell sounds, signaling time for second block. I whip out my schedule, staring at it intensely. Room eighteen. Great. I'm in room two.

"Excuse me," I turn to the boy. "I am Harry by the way. Do you know how to get to..." I glance at the schedule once more. "Mr. Condell's class?"

"Sure, I'm Liam. And yes, I can take you if you'd like. I have Ms. Tenet, she's right beside him." He states, and we head out the door.


Okay, so this is a Larry Stylinson fanfiction. Prepare yourselves, it gets better and much more graphic and sad throughout. Thanks for reading!
~All the love, Xx

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