Chapter Seven

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So if you guys are reading my other stories as well you really don't understand how much that means to me. I live you guyses. HIT ME UP ON KIK- @amcdonalds
ANNDD ON INSTA @hopscotchlarry


"I'm hungry." Nick complains. "Can we go to McDonalds?"

"Yeah I want pizza too." Louis calls from the back. We all look at him, confused, but he just owns a small smirk.

"I have to wee!" Niall complains. I groan, glancing at Liam.

"We've been in the car for five minutes." Liam pointed out.

"McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!" Zayn smirked at me, pumping his fist and chanting. I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"Fine, we'll stop at a McDonalds, and Niall you can run in and go wee. Quickly." I spit out, finally silencing them all, the cheer fading out of the car.

"Yay!" Niall suddenly screeched, and the others followed suit.

"Shut. The. Hell. Up." Liam snapped. Their mouths snapped shut, and I couldn't hold back my laughter. Silence. I pulled into the nearest McDonalds drive-thru, when "You just ate lunch." Liam added.

"I'm growing, lad." Niall smiled. He hopped out, and hurried inside of the resturaunt.

"What do you want?" I asked them. I told the small box their responses, then what they said Niall would like, before she responded saying that it would be thirty pounds. I looked back, and the boys passed me their money. As we pulled forward, I passed back the food and we drove down the road, before realizing that we'd forgotten someone. A very pissed looking Niall climbed in and crunched on his chicken moodily.

After two hours of driving, Zayn offered to take over. I nodded gratefully. Six hours and forty minutes left. The week had flown by quickly, Monday turning into Tuesday like that, and before we knew it, Friday was upon us. We'd all gotten up at six AM, and squeezed into the van with my photography things and our luggage in the back.

I climbed in the very back with Louis, my eyes bleary. Niall and Nick sat in front of us, with Liam and Zayn in the front. When I awoke, I found my head on Louis's shoulder, and I mumbled out an apology paired with a blush. I sat up groggily. "Selfie!" Niall suddenly screeched, barely giving me enough time to slap a smile onto my face. He studied it, before passing it around.

"Niall, that is not a selfie. Thats a picture of me and Harry." Louis smirked. I finally got my turn with the phone, studying the picture. Louis was squeezed into the back with me, him grinning ear to ear, while I was still in motion, trying to get my face over the seat. However you could still see my eyes, which peeked over the seat and held a smile. A smile grew on my face.

"Send this to me." I commanded. Niall smirked, and soon my phone buzzed. I quickly saved the picture, before Niall began to belt out Katy Perry. Soon we were all screaming along, and fuck we sound damn good. At some point, I felt a cold hand touch mine, and it opened automatically. Our fingers entertwined, before my eyes followed the arm up to meet a very flushed looking Louis's eyes.

He glances away, staring out the window, but I can tell his smile is as big as my own. That's when Niall screams, "I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED ITTT!"


Okay guyses this chapter was weird and annoying and awkward but uhm
*strong starts playing*
All the love, x

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