02. second lip stain

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lower case intended.

louis moaned as he felt harry wrap his hand around louis' dick. he threw his head back in pleasure, forgetting the reason why he came over on a saturday. knowing very well that eleanor was in sweats, and jumpers watching a movie that louis had escaped from watching.

'h-harry, wait.' said louis, out of breathe. he pushed away harry's hands, making the younger boy pout.

harry was only three years younger than louis, but just as sex-driven as any other teenager.

'wanna please you like you pleased me the other day.' whines the green-eyed hooligan. louis smiled, maybe his heart too.

'came, no pun intended, to talk to you about something.' said louis, biting his lip as harry's expression changed.

he knew very well from the beginning that louis was an older man with someone waiting for him at home. he wanted the truth right away before agreeing to whatever louisandharry were. that, and the fact that louis just can't find himself to ever impair the lad.

'about?' said harry, sitting on louis' waist. where a genius idea occurs to the sex-driven teen.

just as louis opened his mouth to speak, harry took it upon himself to slide louis' into himself. harry whimpered, not used to the pain yet, and not quite prepped.

'oh shit.' cursed louis, closing his eyes. harry rolled his hips forward, biting his sinful lips.

'continue then.' spoke harry, his voice hoarse.

'f-fuck, yeah. okay. fuck, um. mm, you feel so fuc-okay. i can't have you have this haven't, wow baby. move your hips again for me.'

louis head was everywhere. surely, before he met harry, he and eleanor had done it anal. they were into all sorts of way to pleasure each other. and of course, three years of dating, they had sex before. but nothing felt half as good as what louis felt.

when louis opened his eyes, he saw harry as he was applying a light shade of lipstick on him. he fluttered his eyelids at louis.

'do i look good?' cooed harry, leaning down to kiss louis' chest. louis moaned softly, feeling as every time harry touched his skin, it send fireworks down his entire body. even if he wasn't shirtless.

'you're gonna leave a mark, love.' said louis, biting his lip.

'that's the point.'

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