Chp. 08: The Director Of Crossfield

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The theater was filled with gentle whispers and murmurs as the slight short man in a white blazer and matching pants walked out. He stood at the Mike booth, his eyes adjusting to the bright light before gently taping the mike. Once he was sure everything was working perfectly well, he gave the audience a bright smile.

"Please welcome the honorable director of Crossfield High, sir Alphonse Silverston."

"What? He's the director?" Janet cried, utterly confused. The reaction however wasn't not limited to her. Most of the first years looked around anxiously and surprised to find their tour guide as the director.

"Well, he does love to give surprises." A brown haired kid sitting one row ahead of them replied. "Last time he told us he was the head cook here. Got us pretty darn good."
"Zack. Zack Wrangler.  I'm  a second year here."
"I have to say, he does give surprises well. I mean, for an angel to be the director of our school, that's that's surprise in itself." Mark said as he glanced around the theater. While most of the first years looked confused, Edward Vermillion was calmly seated on one end with a few seniors. He seemed to be pretty busy in his talks pretending the speech was something unworthy of his attention.

"Good evening students. I hope the journey from your respective travel points to the portal was comfortable. Now first things first, I would like to deeply apologize to the third and second years for what happened earlier. For the first years who don't know about this, all of you were supposed to arrive yesterday night for dinner. As it is a tradition at Crossfield, your seniors had prepared a marvelous spread of delicious and piping hot food for you. However, thanks to some unkind and rather alarming events that's happened, I had to shift the timing and location of the portal. Again, as I am the one and only person to be held responsible for the mess, I humbly apologize. However, the efforts of your seniors have not gone in vain. Due to the sheer brilliance of our Alchemy professor Dr.Burroughs, we have managed to store the food in a such a way that it does not touch time. In layman's terms, the food has been kept just as fresh and hot as it was yesterday night. Kindly give him a big round of applause." Alphonse motioned towards a slightly tall person sitting in the first row as the claps rang from all sides of the theater.

Dr. Burroughs turned halfway and gave the students a bright smile before turning back.

"He seems like a nice guy." Janet whispered. Assem and Mark both nodded in approval.

"Now that the apologies have been made, we must bring our focus to the more important and rather disturbing news." Alphonse said. He gave the audience a long glance as if to tell them to listen to him carefully.
"In the past few months, the number of demon sightings and cases of possessions have steadily increased. At first the analysts at GEA deemed this as something not out if the ordinary. However, as a report by the GEA's Detailed Investigation Branch suggests, all of these possessions and demons sighting have occurred at a strange and consistent pattern, mainly nearly the  North American Continent and the South East Asian countries. As a result, the number of exorcists and alchemists needed has also increased. On top of that, the complexities these exorcisms involve has also increased dramatically. The number of stage III exorcisms has now almost become normal. However, at the same time in the African and Oceania continents, paranormal incidents have decreased a lot. Therefore, the Vatican-Crossfield Education Board have decided that it is in the best interest of the students and future exorcists if more practical exposure is made available right from the first year. That being said, Defensive Alchemy is a compulsory subject for Alchemy students. As for the Exorcism stream students, Weaponry has been made compulsory from this year onwards. Along with that, Demenology has been made a full subject and can be opted for in the Second year. Regarding that, I would like to introduce you to the newest teacher who would be starting his first year here starting tomorrow. Please give a warm welcome to Hezatub." Alphonse took a step back from the mike booth and looked to his right to entrance.

"Wh...what the fuck?" Mark muttered. His eyes were fixed on the stage along with the 180 other students seated there. Gasps and uneasy mutters had filled the theater as a tall man walked on the stage. From a glance, he would appear to be like a normal human being however, as all the students had their attention pinned on him, it didn't take long for the teenagers to notice the two full grown horns on his head along the unusually gloomy aura that he gave off as soon as his foot touched the surface of the stage.

"Its just how the textbook described. I dont get it. Why would...why would he do this?" Zack whispered.
"What are you talking about?" Janet asked him, her voice cracking.
"That guy down there...he is a Cambion. Half human and half demon!"
Janet looked back at the stage, her mind still processing what Zack had just said. It was true, the aura and the horns that he had on his head definately confirmed that he wasn't a human.

'To appoint a half demon as a teacher in a school for exorcists, what is the direct thinking?' Mark thought to himself. His fell to the corner row of the theater where Edward Vermillion was sitting. It seemed that even he was taken by surprise as Mark could clearly see his mouth wide open as he stared at the person standing on the stage.

"I hope that all of you would make Hezatub comfortable here at Crossfield."
Alphonse's words brought Mark's attention back to the stage. The half demon had taken a seat in the front row besides the other teachers and the director was back at the Mike booth.
"Last but not least, we have a guest joining us today for dinner, please welcome,  the president of the GEA, Gabriel Adams."

All heads turned once again towards the entrance however, Mark could easily tell that there was a huge difference this time. Instead of the uneasy murmurs and gossips, there were smiles and excited chatters among the students especially the 3rd and 2nd years. Besides Mark even Janet her craned her head and even standing a little just to see the President.

"This might sound really dumb but, who is Gabriel Adams ?" Mark whispered to Zack who, like the others, had his neck craned all the way.
However, before Zack could say anything, a Man in a light blue suit and trousers had stepped on the stage. In complete contrast to the reception that Hezatub had received, this time the claps literally erupted from the audience's side.

Perhaps it was because of the commotion that Mark didn't notice this but the temperature in the room had fallen down swiftly. In another few seconds, all the students could be seen rubbing their shoulders, trying to keep themselves warm, the air getting colder by every passing second.
"What is this?" Mark heard Janet whisper as the latter clutched her clothes even tighter.
"Its not what. It's who." Zack replied.
"This is Ice Alchemy."
"Look above."
Mark looked up to where Zack had motioned. Small, glistening particles were now falling slowly on their seats. Mark touched one and his skin almost froze. It was snow.

"Quieten down please. I'm really sorry for overdoing it.  The president of the GEA spoke softly into the mike. Even though his voice was soft, the effect it had on the exceited students was astonishing. In about less than 5 seconds, the theater had a deafening silence. The atmosphere had now returned to normal.

'Who is this guy? To think that he could make it snow in here! I didn't even know such a power existed.' Mark gazed at the president. The suit he wore was a result of simple and basic tailoring, same was for his trousers. Though he was the President of the largest and foremost exorcism organization, he didn't wear any expensive watches or chains. Even though he was dressed like a normal working human, there was something diffrent about him. His mere presense felt intimidating and a simple gaze felt as sharp as it could cut through the thickest of metals. 
"As the director mentioned before, the events that have been occurring in the recent months are a bit alarming. However, there is absolutely no reason for any of you to feel anxious or scared. As long as you are within the boundaries of this prestigious institution, no entity can cause you harm. The teachers here are much more qualified to deal with demons that you'd expect. Due to some concerns from the Vatican, the GEA has decided to place additional protection spells and circles all over the campus. These will be completed in another 3 days by a supervised team of experts. It is a humble request that you do not interfere in their work as  spell placement requires a lot of concentration and effort. I once again assure you, that in no way should you concern yourself with what ever happens in the outside world. What's important is that you focus on your education and your technique. Now, first years kindly proceed to the dining hall for the first dinner of our academic year. The second years will follow them and the third years will be the last. The student council should wait behind."


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