~Viva La Revolution!~

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You caught a hint of shine from the corner of your eye, nothing....
You stayed on high alert all night because of what happend yesterday causing you to get no sleep. Wilburs words playing through your mind over and over again,
Something was wrong, something that he wasn't telling you because after he said those words you saw the guilt in his eyes he tried to speak but all you did was leave the room.
-you wasn't fair with him-
-you should have let him calm down-
-he was just under pressure-
-you should go apologize-
-go talk to him-
-say sorry-
-its all your fault-
"y/n?" You hear a yawn which causes you to look to your left and there you saw that you have woken tubbo. You all sleep in bunk beds and in a room which you all shared except Wilbur, Wilbur had a separate room from everyone.
"oh tubbo I'm sorry to wake you up. You should go back to sleep it's still very early." You look at your clock and see it's 5am.
"It's fine but why aren't you asleep and who were you talking"
"Oh umm, I was just thinking aloud you know" you said with a nervous laughter.
"Ok? But then why were you shouting at yourself?" the Brunette questioned.
"Tubbo,why would I be shouting at myself huh? I think your just hearing things because you to tired why don't you go to sleep?" You suggest
"sorry, but I'm not tired" you sigh.
"Listen tubbo you really need to rest because tomorrow is the day that our enemies that we actually never met or saw come and force us to surrender but we need strength and alot because we don't know how strong they are and with the rumours about them they seem pretty strong so you need to sleep"
"Listen tubbo you have to sleep and thats the end of it understand?"
Tubbo could see your anger rise so all he did was nod and close his eyes, soon you hear soft snoring. If only everything in this world was that soft.My eyes felt heavy but I had to stay on high alert since it was the morning that the dream team would come over, once tubbo was asleep you went over to wash your face. Splashing cold water on your face to wake you up you went to your armpit stand and took the armour of and placed it on your bed. You plopped yourself of the bed and started wrapping the armour around yourself. The diamond and iron heavy on you but after awhile you got used to it.

You sat there struggling to wrap the armour around you back when you felt a hand grab it from the back and tighten it.
"Is that tight enough?"
You didn't have to turn around to know who it was.
"Yes thank you Wilbur ummmm, listen" you turn around and continue.
"I'm sorry" you managed to say under his harsh gaze but after you apologized he calmed.
"I'm sorry that I am a dissapointed to you Wilbur and that I am useless, I really don't know how it feels and as you said I am selfish and take alot of credit from everyone for no reason at all"
"Y/n listen to me" he said catching you attention "you should not be the one apologizing I should be for making you feel like that because all of what you just said and what I said yesterday all of it was not true,it was just me speaking without thinking I was stressed and I hope you understand and that you could forgive me"
You were taken aback by his response in a good way, a smile crept onto your face.
"Wilbur I accept your apology and I promise to also never let you down-"
Before you could finish he pulled you into a hug,this is the Wilbur you knew the calm, welcoming person that makes you feel safe.
"listen guys I'm very sorry to ruing your little emotional moment but I just saw the dream team outside" Eret said as Fundy yawned, they were both staring out the window. When did they wake up?
That's when something was shot through Tommy's side of the window, an arrow, which woke Tommy
"Tommy calm down the dream team are outside and we are not ready well except y/n so we should probably wear our armour aswell" Eret responded calmly as if an arrow on fire hadn't just been shot through an open window obviously Tommy wasn't that calm.
" calm? CALM. CALM! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE CALM I JUST NEARLY GOT SHOT TO DEATH WHILE I WAS ASLEEP! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO STAY CALM-" he got interrupted with a very confused and woken up tubbo.
"What's happening guys" the brunnette asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"Everyone calm down ok. It's going to be fine" Wilbur reasured.
"The dream team is outside like expected but earlier than we thought so everyone get up, get ready, put on your armour and remember only this time your allowed to wear armour since it's for safety and get your weapons, that's also a one time exception" Wilbur said.
The rest of the lads followed his orders as the young woman got up to go and wait at the door, as she left she smiled at Wilbur who returned the smile. Once they were all ready they went and stood outside.
Before anyone did anything Tommy pulled everyone into a corner and whispered some words to everyone,"Listen, we might make it or not but you all remember our ancestors right  they went to war and never came back but we will go to war if we have to and finish what they started who's with me!" We all put our hands ontop of each other then into the air.
"Viva la revolution!" the blond screamed.
"VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!" We all shouted but you really thought that Eret didn't but it's probably just that you didn't hear him so you brushed it off. We all turn around and there stared at us 3 pairs of eyes.

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