12○ Spear Up The Ass

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Landon still held me by the collar, dragging me through each dusty corner in search of his brother. Efforts to release myself from his grip was futile so I let myself dangle from his hands as he scanned every area trying to sniff him out. 

"What did your brother do that pissed you off so much?" I asked as Landon stood with his nose in the air. 

"That does not concern you Veryan," he replied, continuing to drag me along.

"You were so eager to answer my questions before... jackass," I huffed. He stopped and freed my collar, dropping me once again. I'm probably black and blue all over but this could never come close to other treatment I have gotten in the past.

"You answer this. Why were you climbing all over Tate? You smell like him," he said calmly, as if he didn't really care to hear the answer. His seedling of anger waned in that moment as he soullessly stared at me. 

"I wasn't climbing over him," I recalled the memory of me climbing over him, "What if he was climbing over me?"

"So he is here?" He sighed and dragged me along again to the end of the corridor towards the cracked and splintered door. I thought I was much better at lying.

Maybe I would get double speared up the ass.

We stopped outside the door, his hand tightened around my collar. He reached for the knob but hesitated. Instead he stared at the cracks and claw marks left on the door.

 There was no emotion on his face, just the blank surface I've grown to recognize as Landon. But I saw the cracks in his mask, akin to the cracks on the door, slowly chipping away at that blank surface. I didn't care for the cracks, I wanted to see an explosion. 

I stretched away from his grasp and opened the door. The room held no sign Tate, only the sounds of a heart monitor and the thick smell of sickness. 

He pulled me away from the threshold and looked towards the window, ignoring the contents of the room. 

"Was he here?"

 I looked towards the boot laces peeking out from under the bed.


He closed the door.

Dragging me back the way we came, through the maze of identical rotting walls, he held onto my collar never loosing his grip as if I were a rope. Whether for him to hold onto or to hang, I would never know.

I decided to change my question, "Who was that man in the bed?"

"That does not concern you Veryan." He dragged me back to his room and pushed me inside, "I told you I would chain you up if you left the room, yes?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Don't change the topic fucker and chaining me up wouldn't do shit, you idiot. I'd just break out of it. Or enjoy myself, if you know what I mean."

Before he could retort, the ninny from this morning came running into the room, "Alpha Landon, didn't you hear me mind-link you? We have a problem!"

Landon took a breath, "What is it Castiel?" 

"You should come and see for yourself..." Landon sighed again, holding in his annoyance. 

"Fine, let me deal with this first," he muttered, pulling out chains from under his bed like two huge snakes. 

"Wait! Let me come with you," I said, no longer keen on the idea of being chained up in two large silver chains in Landon's barren room. 


"Let me come."

"No, you will make the situation worse." I struggled against the chains which he began to wind around my body.

"How do you know?"

He sighed, "Because Veryan, no matter how I tried to avoid hearing anything about you, I know the basics and you always seem to mess everything up."

I stopped struggling. Like a bullet through my guts, the words ripped me. This was not the first time those words have been said to me but his voice seemed to scrape me more than any other did; more than any weapon ever could. But this was merely salt in the wound he created; the flowering of a seed of anger he embedded in me. 

"I mess everything up?" The chains broke under my tension, "You messed me up! When I saw you and realized that you were my mate, I cursed the Goddess for pairing me with little Landon who always sulked and glared with your tiresome face at everyone from a corner. But I saw you, and I wanted you and I would've thrown every prejudice away for you. But all you did push me into a duck pond, told me to fuck off and then ran away. You fucking coward!"

I lunged towards him, my glasses flying off my face yet I was miraculously able to see. He grabbed my body as if I were a kite, cut at the string falling to the ground. 

"I'm not coward," he didn't even raise his voice. 

"You're a little coward who ignores his feelings and hides from everyone because he's scared but now you can't hide behind your mommy anymore."

He flung me to the ground, body hovering over mine and stared at me finally with eyes full of life.

"I'm not a coward! I don't run away! You were the one doing that all along Veryan. So stop blaming me and stop behaving like a little girl chasing a boy who just doesn't want her!" I kicked him in the jaw and flung him onto the ground, feeling a faint pang of pain in my own face. 

"Take responsibility for the things you've done Landon. You yourself said, 'It's never too late'." I pounced on him, ready to rip his pretty face off with my teeth when he rolled me over, crushing me with his weight.

Above us, shot a spear into the wall, nearly missing our heads.

"Who the fuck uses a spear in this day and age?" I mumbled as my sight slowly returned to a haze.

"Rogues." Little daylight was left outside as the setting sun drenched the sky. Landon picked me up before another spear shot through the window almost staking me in the heart. He forced me into the closet, never thought I would be in here again.

"Stay here. Do not come outside." Landon turned to leave, but I ran after him, not quite keen on sitting in a closet while people are possibly being ripped to shreds. 

"You do know I will never listen to anything you say, right?"

"Veryan," he said, visibly displeased, "Just this once, do what I say. You'll get in the way."

"Do you really care if I get hurt or not?"

"...Not as much as I think I should," he sighed, clicking his tongue.

I pulled a spear from the walls, the sound echoing in the hollowness of it, "Right, then I'll do what I want."

He took one last breath before shoving my glasses onto my face and scowling.

 "If you get hurt, it would not be my fault," he said as if he were trying to convince himself rather than me.

I rolled my eyes in response. I would not be his responsibility, just as I would not let him be mine. I will not chase a man who does not want me. I will just have to make him want me, then throw him in a duck pond and tell him to fuck off. 

The scowl stayed on his face as he prodded me out the door, "I should've chained you up."

"It's too late now. Let's spear some bitches up the ass."

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