As long as you're happy

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I love my Raya. Not just as my best friend, no, she was the one I dreamed of ever since my parents told me their love story. But when we got older Raya told me that she had a boyfriend. "It's not going to last." I mentally reassure myself

6 months later

Seems like their relationship is strong. I was envious. I tried so hard to act normal around them, fortunately I succeeded.

Raya had invited me over to a cafe for an announcement. I had assumed that she was going to tell me that she'll be away for a meeting and I had to babysit their dog and cat. I wish that's what she told me.

"So what were you going to tell me?" I questioned as I took a sip of my iced coffee.

"J-jon and I are getting married" I felt my whole world fall apart. I wasn't angry that they were getting married, no, as long as Raya's happy, I'm happy. I was angry at the fact that I had to move on. I didn't even sense that tears were streaming down my face.

"Rhanna, are you okay?"

"I'm so happy for you!" I say with a pained smile yet she didn't seem to notice because she hugged me.

2 months later

I took all my will power not to object when the priest asked. If I did that it would probably to awkward to see her again.

After the wedding, Jon carried Raya to the car on the way to their honeymoon. I just stood by knowing that I'll have to move on.  Raya was right when I told her I had a crush on someone when we were ten. "No one will ever be good enough for you." She was right, No matter how much I tried to move on, I was never satisfied.

Do you believe in love at first sight? I do, because it happened to me, the day i fell for you i knew you wouldnt love me back but i still did, i know i cant bare myself to move on, but i am.. like i always say, if your happy im happy. Even though im not satisfied, im happy that you are.. and that means everything to me

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