Nothing lasts forever

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Once upon a time, in the summer of 2020, Ivy was sat on the couch scrolling through tiktok. She kept refreshing her for you page, yet she doesn't seem to find any video entertaining.

Once upon a time, she had asked her mother what to do, "Go to the library, read some books." Her mother says.

Once upon a time, she walked to the the library to find some books. She picked the most unique one of all. She did not know what this would lead to.

Once upon a time, Ivy opened the book and was transported into what she assumed was the 1970's.

Once upon a time, she had ran into a lady. But let me spoil it for you a little, the woman that she bumped with was the one thing she had been looking for her whole life. What "thing" you say? Well you have to figure it out yourself.

Back to the story ;)

Ivy had bumped into a woman whom she'd assume was in her twenties. The woman had dropped her purse and they both bent down to get it. This resulted in them touching hands. Cliche right?

"Thank you." The woman said awkwardly. "I'm Margaret" "I'm Ivy"

Once upon a time, they had agreed to live with each other. They broke the the normal by doing house chores together. They do everything together to the point people were suspicious that they had a little thing on the side.

Once upon a time, Ivy had come to her senses that she had feelings towards her recent friend.

Once upon a time, they had confessed to each other and learned that they felt the same. They both had agreed on keeping this a secret because this kind of love was not illegal, but frowned upon.

Once upon a time, Ivy had thanked time for helping her find her love, Now she was cursing at it for bringing her back to the present.

Once upon a time, Margaret was left alone. She thought that Ivy had left her because she had hated her and played her.

Once upon a time, Margaret thought that the love of her life hated her when she put a bullet through her head.

Once upon a time, they thought they were going to have a beautiful ending, once upon a time, they were wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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