Chapter 19

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*continuing where we left off*

No one P.O.V

We are back to knuckles side of the story where we just left him off,but now to find out more about the prophecy and what's going on.

The questions that he keeps asking himself of what the master emerald means is has now showed him what it meant partly.

He still wants to know what this darkness is and what it is capable off if it does show up.

His was walking through the forest and stop near an waterfall with the master emerald still at hand.

After fighting, running and walking all day just made him exhausted.

So a little rest is surely needed, he place the master emerald down.

And sat down enjoying the scenery after all this things going on it hard to take an break.

That's when the master emerald started to glow same with an glow coming from what looked behind the waterfall.

Knuckles didn't notice it at first but when the glow got bright he opened his eyes.

And was surprised of what was going on he looked at the waterfall then to the big emerald.

He questioned himself of what that was or what it means,so the only way he'll find out is to go in there.

So he picked up the master emerald and looked for an where to get in there.

Maybe they're an entrance behind the waterfall, he thought to himself. So he walked to the side of the waterfall.

And saw an cave with that same glow shiny like the master emerald.

He started to step on circle shaped rock that was visible in the water he went slow and steady so he doesn't fall.

Once doing that he ended by some Moss growing by the edge of the steps and by an side path to the cave entrance.

And when he finally got there he saw some ancient ruins just what seem almost familiar to the ones back home.

But this one was different it had symbols of something so complex.

He could read it yes but the riddle and prophecy it gives out just didn't seem familiar to what his ancient told him back than.

What were weirder was the pictures which were all different creatures looking towards an direction.

And lines which also looked like vines coming from an opposite direction.

Some look to be like they were praising something, which the master emerald seemed to react to that.

And started to shine too but with the same symbol but different from the wall.

Once the symbols appeared on the Master emerald the symbols in the cave started lighting up too.

Light blue/purple were the colors which were showing the purple was the out line of the symbols and pictures and the blue was the bright shining light inside.

Knuckles looked to the lines tracing to each symbol it passes and stops at the big picture that stands out from each one that was there.

The picture was an two different people and they were half, like divide to one person.

They were holding out they hand with what looked like an ball that was purple/lime green.

Surrounding them were 12 types of symbols in different colors which was different from the other symbols in the cave.

This one looked like an new God like language, which I don't think knuckles knows about.

He step forward after putting the master emerald down which it started to float over nothing.

He reached out his hand to the wall he then noticed an hand print there.

He tried putting his there but nothing happened, which puzzled him for who this belonged too.

But while doing so he felt some kind of present of like an evil yet cold eyes looking to his soul.

While not being to dramatic but that how it felt like hearing the sound of the waterfall but yet hear some kind of whisper.

This went on and it started to get creepy when he touched the wall he started to see vision it was something unpleasant.

It was dark and each time you can hear screams of all the people running for there lives.

This was like the master emerald showed him. All was dark no light to shine they're where to hope.

If you were there you can hear cry's of little children,and they was an big like seed in the center of it all.

It was black/green it had green like snake balls around it almost like tentacles.

These tentacles were every inch of the whole planet if you started from a distant or a perfect view.

Everything started to go faster than knuckles could handle all the information.

And than the last part before he took off his hand it wrote something that he didn't understand and in the background you could hear laughing creepy one infact.

"What is this place? What does it mean? Who was that? Why is the master emerald showing me this now? What will happen? And what are these ancient ruins?"

Knuckles said to himself, flooding himself with unanswered questions

He took an breathe and decide to get back to the other's before they got worried.

He picked the big emerald and went out the way he came,each step he took away from the waterfall the emerald lost its glow.

And shined it's normal light. "What is that eggman planing,that the master emerald has to show me all this?"

Knuckles asked before heading to the city soon to find way worse then the last fight with eggman.

Hey guys what do you think liking the mood, yeah me not so much but there's more to come.

But for those that are new check out the last book before coming here it really good if you need to know what is going on.

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