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a storge

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a storge


The man stood tall and stared at the two women. He had finally got everything he needed and was ready to face Miranda. He was confident that he would be able to save his daughter and Y/N.

He had talked to the Duke and managed to get a powerful medicine for Y/N. He hoped it would work. 

"Miranda, where is my daughter?" Ethan's eyes narrowed at her.   

He looked between the two women and watched as the daughter's eyes flickered to something to the left of her. There he saw a green bassinet. 

He smiled, "Rose."

"Ethan Winters, why are you not food for maggots and vultures?" Miranda glared at him, before her expression turned blank, "Either way you will not stop the ceremony. I have worked too hard!"

He cocked his gun, "I can't let you do that."

Miranda ignored him and walked over to the bassinet and picked up Rose. Y/N watched with concerned eyes at her mother's actions. 

Miranda smiled at the baby, "You are a wonderful vessel."

He slowly raised his gun at the witch, "Give Rose to me! Now!" 

"You will see! Once I kill you properly, every--"

The desperate mother was interrupted by a shot to the head. Y/N ran over to her mother and held her.

"Get her! Now!" 

Ethan lurched forward and grabbed Rose.

Miranda quickly grabbed her back. "I have spent a lifetime creating this moment. I'll take what is due," she shoved him away and gave the baby to her daughter. 

Ethan watched as Y/N and Rose were covered and absorbed by the mold, "No!" 

Miranda mutated, her arms grew thin and long, her nails became talon and black blood covered her face. The creature stared down at him, "My desires will be fulfilled!"

He immediately started firing at the woman, "Let them go!"

Miranda moved around gracefully, completely unbothered by the bullets he was firing, "You have preyed upon my daughter for far too long and you have served your purpose, Ethan Winters." A crooked smile came upon her distorted face, "Now you must die."  

He gritted his teeth, "Why are you doing this, to save your already dead daughter?"

Miranda chuckled, "I suppose I can answer your question so you can die peacefully," her mold stopped attacking him, "Y/N has a special illness that has plagued her for decades, no amount of medicine or magical miracles will save her." The woman noticed the confusion on his face, "Her body is killing itself and it won't stop until she is dead."  

"W-What do you mean?"

"It's a simple thing really," mold tentacles sprouted from her back, "She needs a new body, a strong body. My daughter shall be reborn into your Rose's body."

"I can't let you do that, Miranda."

"You understand the love of a parent to her child and yet you still deny me," she used the mold to slap him aside, "Die and allow me to live in peace with my daughter."

Ethan continued to fire shots at the crazed woman. He couldn't believe what she was planning on doing and he couldn't fathom what he was hearing about Y/N.

Was she doomed to die? Was there truly no hope for her?

He hoped that wouldn't be true.

The sooner he killed Miranda the sooner he could save everyone that matter most to him.  


10 minutes earlier

"You're alive," she muttered in disbelief.

Ethan was alive and breathing and walking and talking. He was okay.

A smile overcame her face and she tuned out most of the conversation.

As much as she was happy she couldn't help but wonder how he was alive. As far as she was concerned he wasn't like her brothers or sisters. She saw his heart be withdrawn from his chest, there was no way he could be alive.

She was brought out of her thoughts when the sound of a bullet rang through the air.

She looked towards her right and saw her mother's downturn head, "Mother!" She called and wrapped her arms around her.

Did Ethan shoot her?

Before she could think or say much else Ethan came closer to her and her mother and grabbed Rose.

Miranda immediately got out of her daze, "I have spent a lifetime creating this moment. I'll take what is due," she shoved Ethan away and gave the baby to Y/N.

Y/N's eyes widened as the black mold crept up her legs. She tried to pull herself free but the goo-like substance was strong. The mold absorbed her and Rose.

It didn't take long until her entire world went black.


Present Time

Ethan frowned at the monster in front of him. The only thing Miranda did was eat at his ammo. He was running out of bullets fast and he could only hope that Miranda would go down soon.

She kept taunting him and telling him how she would kill him and take better care of Rose than he ever could. Then she went on to talk about a parent's love and how he would be indirectly killing Y/N.

Those were the taunts that hurt the most, knowing that he could be the reason why Y/N could die. However, the logical part of his brain knew that his actions wouldn't affect her.

Y/N wouldn't have a better chance at living if she was 'reborn'. Miranda was delusional, she couldn't make people reborn.

He sighed as loaded another clip into his gun.

Would he ever be able to live a normal life? Would Mia stay with a man made of mold? Would Y/N ever love a man made out of mold?

Would his daughter care that her father was a monstrosity?





So wow we are at 17k reads and 1k votes, my goodness. I want to thank all of you who have read my story from the bottom of my heart. I never expected this book to hit numbers so high in such a short amount of time. I'm writing this chapter super late at night so tell me if there are any errors.

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