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Chan's POV

I didn't go back to the dorm last night but I still needed to get ready this morning. I ended up back at the dorm and was about to knock but the door opened and whoever was behind it, hit me with the door. I groaned and fell backwards onto the hall floor.

"Oh my gods, are you okay?!" Lyla ran to my side. I sat there with my head in my hands but she moved my hands and examined my head.

"There's no blood but I do see a bruise.. I'm so sorry I didn't know you were standing there.." she apologized.

"It's okay.. I'm fine." I looked into her eyes.

"Are you.. okay?" I asked.

"Yeah.. I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Oh... no reason."

And there it was, a flash of her face, but younger... more innocent. It was like a dream. Or maybe a memory. I wasn't sure. I shook my head and stood up. "I'm fine, just gotta get ready." I smiled and opened my door, careful not to hit her like she hit me.

There stood Hyunjin, in the bathroom door, glaring at me. He walked towards me and got up in my face. We were same height so i bulked my shoulders up. "You think you can have her.. but you can't. Take your slut and fuck off." Hyunjin spat, hitting my shoulder when he walks past. I glared and turned to watch him leave.

Lyla's POV

I walked inside the cafe to start my shift. Woojin was there and so was Seolhyun. But I didn't see Hyuna. "Where's Hyuna?"

"Oh she's hiding from Minho and Jisung." Seolhyun replied.

"They keep trying to talk to her but she wants no part of it." Woojin chuckled. "Your usual?"

"Yes please." I said, setting my bag down on the bar.

As if he knew, he sat it down in front of me, already made. "Thank you, oppa." I smiled and sipped on my drink, preparing for my shift that was in 10 minutes.

Seolhyun was wiping the counter and talking to me and Woojin. "Did y'all hear about the girl that went missing last night?"

"What girl?" I asked, shocked.

"I think her name is-"

"Song Mina." Woojin said, stocking up the condiments.

"She's in my chemisty class." I replied, sipping my latte.

"She was walking back to her dorm, that was the last time anyone saw her. She left the library from a study group." Seolhyun explained. "She never made it back to her dorm."

"Jeez... just be careful Seolhyun." I said, worried about her walking alone at night on campus.

"I'll be okay, but you be careful too." She smiled. I nodded to her response and smiled back.

—A Few Days Later—

It's only been 5 days since Mina disappeared, and since then three more girls disappeared.

Every girl on campus is terrified. Police are investigating but can't find a connection to them or who is kidnapping girls. No evidence, almost like the girls just disappear. I'm scared out of my fucking mind. Hyunjin won't let me go anywhere by myself. I've noticed Chan has kept an eye on me, he's always watching me.

Not to mention the sexual between us is unreal. Anytime I'm alone with him, the air is so thick it's hard to breathe.

I try to ignore it but it's hard, all I think about is that night, I'm so torn between being with Hyunjin, but loving Chris at the same time. I hate it.

School Administrators put up a curfew, no one out after dark. But no one complained.

Chris has been acting really weird lately. He keeps disappearing all the time, one minute he's here and the next, gone.

"Are you okay princess?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about those poor girls..." I stared at my feet, fiddling with my thumbs.

"Hopefully they find them soon, but I promise nothing is gonna happen to you." He kissed my forehead, making me smile. "Are you ready for class?"

I laugh. "Hell no, but we gotta go anyway."

He walked me to my class before going to his. I kissed him, and walked in, seating myself in my normal spot, right next to Chris.

He greets me with a small smile before clearing his throat and looking right back to his notebook.

I sighed, pulling out mine and flipping to an empty page, writing the topic on the board at the top of the blank paper.

The teacher walks in and greets us, immediately going to the subject for the day.

Not even ten minutes into the lecture, I can feel Chan's gaze, right on me. I inhaled loudly and tried to ignore him, but I could still feel it. I sighed and dropped my pen, looking straight at him, locking eyes. "Do you having a staring problem?"

"No, do you?"

I flared my nose and went back to the lecture, trying my best to ignore him.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes pass, still the same intoxicating gaze. "Will you stop please?!"

Everyone's eyes land on me, including the professor. "I'm sorry?"

"Sorry, um, could you repeat that last part?" I ask the professor, my face beet red.

"Uh yes.." He said, giving me a small glare, before returning his attention to the chalkboard, repeating the last line.

I looked at Chan with a killing glare, being met with a smug look. "I'm going to kill you.." He laughed at my response.

Class was finally dismissed and i got the hell out of there. "Yah get back here!" Chris chased after me.


"You forgot your notebook.." He handed it to me, when I grabbed it his hand caressed mine, making me inhale slightly.

I walked away to my next class, not looking back at him.

Eek there's a kidnapper on the loose 😳😳 lol hope you enjoy it's about to gET REAL

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