Like a Boy In a Dream

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Continuing the mini-series from Friday's post (where baby Levi and Aryia slept in the park), today's story features Babi Wolfy having a nap with the reader.

I apologize for how short this imagine and the one before it are, on Wednesday I'll be continuing the Emrani Family series with a slightly longer story (and trust me, it's a cute one!) I hope you guys enjoy this story in the meantime though! 😊

(Also yes, the title is taken from lyrics from "tearsonpages". My headcanon for this series is that Aryia sings that song as a lullaby for Levi.)

Warnings: None.


"Y/N, he won't stop crying!" Your boyfriend complained to you from the other side of the bathroom door.

You had left Levi under his father's care whilst you took a bath - which also doubled as your break.

"Are you kidding me? I've not even been in here for ten minutes!" You whined.

"I've tried everything I can already, but he won't stop-"

Levi became quiet for a few moments, eyes wide open before he returned to crying and shrieking, though this time even louder than before.

Aryia inhaled deeply with the intent of sighing but instead got a strong smell of the air surrounding his son.

"God damn it, Levi..." He groaned in irritation. Yelling back through the door, he pleaded to you. "Please hurry, Y/N!"

He rushed to Levi's room to change his son's newly-soiled diapers. Levi's shrieking soon stopped but his cries were still ringing in Aryia's ears. He picked him up again and started to bounce him lightly; something the baby didn't seem to appreciate based on his escalating screams of discontentment. Though you soon swept in, taking hold of your precious baby boy who quieted down and began babbling incoherent gibberish within a matter of seconds.

Aryia pouted, scratching the back of his head before crossing his arms. "Mommy's boy."

"Oh please, he likes you too." You scoffed, giving Levi a kiss on the nose.

Levi let out a long yawn and reached up towards you.

"Ohh, it's time for your nap, isn't it Babi Wolfy? Well, you get a special treat today; you get to sleep on daddy's side of the bed because mommy's tired too."


You carried Levi to the bedroom you and Aryia shared, placing him in your lap. "Awwh, you're just the cutest little thing, aren't you?"

Levi babbled something in response, raising his hands to try and cling onto you.

"You're the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." You smiled affectionately and brought Levi to your face so that you could give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

Levi then decided to open his mouth and put your nose in it.

"Levi!" You yelped slightly in surprise and started laughing.

The baby giggled and gurgled with a big smile on his face.

"You're such a little silly, you know that?"

He continued to laugh before yawning again, this time even longer. When he stopped, his eyes began to droop.

"Awwh, it really is time for your nap. That sounds like a good idea to me too." You laid Levi down gently on Aryia's side of the bed before placing a pillow behind the boy so that he wouldn't fall off the bed if he rolled over. You then laid down next to him. Levi fell asleep almost instantly, and surprisingly enough, so did you.


Aryia walked in a little while later, only to see his son curled up next to you. He smiled fondly and walked over to the bed, giving you both a kiss on the forehead.

Even though you could be sassy to him and Levi just didn't favor him at times, Aryia was happy and thankful for the family that he had.

'If Y/N woke up and caught me staring... Oh god... I'd never hear the end of it.' He laughed, lying down on the bed and falling asleep with the two of you.


As I mentioned above, I'm sorry these imagines have been a little short lately, but the next couple should be a bit longer. I really hope you guys enjoy reading this book though, and if you want, feel free to give me a prompt or review below as I would love to hear some feedback or ideas for this book! See you on Wednesday with a new imagine! 😊

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