That's IT?!

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Happy Wednesday everyone! I've had this imagine stored up for around a month now and I had kinda forgotten about it until today 😅. I was gonna post a moving fanfiction where Aryia and the reader moved to Boston with Levi but it's not quite finished yet - I should have it out by next week though. As always, feedback is always appreciated and please feel free to comment or message me to request a story or give me a prompt. I hope you guys like this week's imagine of Levi asking his parents about how they fell in love 😊

Warnings: None.


"You can't be serious. That's it?"

Aryia shrugged at his child. "That's it."

Levi stared at his father curiously who smiled at his gaze. His son's eyes were the mirror image of yours. "We didn't exactly have a whirlwind romance." He sighed, "If you haven't noticed, your mom can be a little scary sometimes."

Levi couldn't help but agree. "That's an understatement."

Aryia drank some of his water and strummed Levi's guitar to tune it before continuing, "But there are so many flashes of kindness that make your mother worth the trouble."

Levi nodded as he took his guitar from his dad.

To Levi, Aryia was simple but brilliant, and so his answer reflected that. He put his guitar on its stand and stood back up after making sure that it wouldn't fall over. "I'm gonna go and help Momma."

Aryia sat in his chair, still looking at the instruments in front of him. He shouldn't have been shocked at his own response. He never thought Levi would reply with such a generic answer, replicating his dad's own retorts that had once been directed at him. You really had won Aryia over with the combination of your harshness and kindness, but how could he possibly explain the complexities of your relationship to your five-year-old son?


You continued to cook dinner for that night as you sheepishly replied to Levi's incessant questioning, "I don't see why you'd even wanna know."

The young boy sighed, exhausted by both yours and Aryia's necessary opposition to answering him, "Daddy said the exact same thing."

Levi focused on your facial expressions. You had lost the spark in your eyes, and it was replaced with a look that he could only guess was a mix of reflection and... hurt?

You turned to tend to dinner for that evening once again. "Oh, did he now?"

Levi continued, unfazed by the sudden shift in your mood. After all, you were accustomed to it by now. "Then... if nothing's so special about either of you being together, why did you get married?"

"What made you think that Daddy and I are married?" You laughed.

"You're not?"

You shook your head.

"Oh... Then what made you decide to wanna stay with each other then?"

You sighed. "This won't end without an answer, will it?"

Levi nodded sheepishly. He was impatiently awaiting a more in-depth answer than the one his father gave. As he did so, you gleefully acknowledged your own mannerisms that you saw in your son. You took your dinner off the stove and poured it carefully into the three bowls on the counter.

Levi cleared his throat, making you focus on the conversation after being quiet for the last five minutes.

"Well, you already know that we met at a bar."

Levi smiled warmly at you as you handed him his bowl. "Sure, but that doesn't explain how you fell in love."

You quickly corrected him. "I wouldn't exactly us the word "fell". It was more like we slowly got to know each other. I helped him to stop drinking, and I stopped him from drinking some more."

Levi swallowed a mouthful of his food and interjected. "But when did you know that Papi was the person you wanted to be with? Especially if we're moving away from LA. What makes him worth it?"

Was that what this was about? Moving to Boston? It sort of made sense. Levi was reluctant to leave his friends and family behind by moving to Massachusetts, and he was still young, so it made sense that he was asking you these sorts of questions.

"Honestly," You pondered, "we're each other's equals, and you can't find that in just anyone. So that's definitely one thing that makes your dad worth all the trouble he stirs up."

You smiled as you changed the subject. "Now eat up and go put your pyjamas on. And call me when you're done so I can read you a bedtime story."

To avoid your wrath after eating - and wanting his nightly bedtime story, Levi did as he was told, finishing his dinner and heading to his room.

You finished dishing up dinner before taking yours and Aryia's plates to the music studio to eat with him.

As you entered, you saw your boyfriend listening to a new track he had made on his Mac. You set his food in front of him and looked over at him intently.

"It's been a while since you've made a bass tab without using your actual bass, huh?"

He chuckled as he nodded, "Been too busy having Zoom meetings with Nick to do this this way, I guess."

His grin was jovial, and you took a bite of your dinner before reacting.

"You heard me talking to Levi, didn't you?"

He took a few bites of his own food before responding. "You really think we're equals?" Aryia smirked at you. "To be honest, I don't think it's even close to that."

Fuming, you angerly lashed out of him. "Hey! I've proven myself time and time again! Admit it! You wouldn't be sober for this long without me!"

Laughing, Aryia tried to calm you down. "Precisely why you're better than me."

Momentarily stunned by his response, you remained quiet as he continued.

"I couldn't explain to the kid how love works. I couldn't even explain why you and I love each other."

As you spoke up, you noticed Levi eavesdropping on your conversation at the door.

"It's simple. You think too much. Love isn't something we could ever rationalize. I can imagine he'll be in our shoes someday."

Aryia sighed in relief and smiled as he listened to the ending of his track. "I'd like to see that."


Thanks for reading this week's story everyone (I'm sorry it was a little short). I hope you all have an amazing week and I'll see you guys soon with a new AryiaXReader story! 😄

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