you do xiao's eyeliner again but... (2)

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HELP I'M CRyinf this was so embarrassing to write

smut warning haha


you lightly gasped when xiao's slightly warm hands let go off your shirt and slipped under it instead, tracing light shapes on your skin- it made you shiver to your spine, goosebumps forming all over your arms as he suddenly pressed his fingertips against your skin. your eyes widened at the sudden action and the pressure of his touches, your breath hitching.

xiao, on the other hand, didn't look as bothered as you thought he would be. you've never seen him like this, but you liked it.

"what do you think you're doing, xiao?" you breathlessly spoke, face flustered as his hands continued traveling upwards, over your belly button and now placed around your ribcage. you felt as if your skin was burning under his touches, despite how light and delicate they were- soft, warm touches by slightly calloused palms and fingers.

he looked away from your torso and at you, humming as he raised a dark eyebrow, his eyes half-lidded. it was almost like he looked bored, but you could tell otherwise with how heavy he was breathing and how red dusted his pale face. "what do you think i'm doing, (y/n)?" he whispered as he leaned in, his lips hovering over your collarbones.

"oh, you little... i know what you're up to." you grinned as you felt his lips on your skin, leaving light kisses on your collarbones, while his hands still remained on your ribcage. your heart sped up as his lips moved to your shoulder, and he used his teeth to move your top's strap down. "where'd you learn this from, huh? i'm pretty sure you've never done this with anyone."

"i just happen to know." he responded nonchalantly, unusual for someone like xiao, lips still on your shoulder, "and i happen to be a fast learner as well." his voice was almost inaudible as he spoke, leaving a light kiss on your skin. your hands move to rest on his shoulders, and you remained silent. well, that was until you felt his teeth sink in your shoulder, not hard enough to actually hurt you, but it could leave a mark.

you immediately bit your bottom lip and closed your eyes, you almost drew blood from how hard your teeth dug into your lip. letting out a sigh, you reopened your eyes and saw xiao looking at you with those golden irises of his, you didn't even notice that his hands no longer were under your shirt, they were hanging by his sides, his fingertips touching your thighs, as he straddled you.

"xiao..." you breathlessly said his name.

he only hummed, watching you sit up, using his shoulders to support yourself.

staring at him with half-lidded eyes, you moved your hands to slide down his arms and torso, and all the way to his thighs, giving him a light squeeze that made him let out a sigh. with your eyes still on him, you realized how pretty he looked- messy hair, a flustered face, red eyeliner, ears decorated with piercings, the little diamond tattoo on his forehead (at least you thought it was a tattoo), and your most favorite: his clouded golden eyes.

you leaned in and placed your lips on his, closing your eyes as you pulled him closer to you, your chests touching. the only thing between you were the clothes you wore.

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