Chapter 33

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Mintpool slowed once she the entrance of EarthClan's camp came into sight, clutching the bundle in her jaws a little tighter. There was a small stream at the entrance, one that she had to leap across to get inside. Bunching her muscles, she sailed across, her paws landing firmly on the ground.

Amberheart, who had led her to the camp, followed her, waving her tail as she brought Mintpool inside. "Rainpool's not here right now, but Cloverleaf is. She's inside the medicine den."

"Okay!" Mintpool's voice was muffled. "Thank you."

Amberheart bowed her head. "I'll go inform Moonstar of your arrival." With that, she turned around, trotting into what Mintpool assumed was the leader's den.

As Mintpool turned, Leafwhisker's surprised yet delighted voice sounded behind her. "Mintpool? What are you doing here?"

The gray tabby turned around, her gaze lighting up at the sight of her friend. "Leafwhisker, hi!" She dropped the bundle as she gave him a quick, affectionate nudge. "I'm here to deliver some herbs."

"Oh, okay." Leafwhisker paused, looking as if he was about to say something else. Mintpool squinted her eyes at him. She knew him well enough to know that whenever he was nervous he did paused, as though hyping himself up before saying whatever he truly wanted to say. That's what had happened when he asked her to meet him at the borders. Now, it was happening again.

However, it seemed as though the hyping failed, because Leafwhisker just pointed his tail at a den. "There's the medicine den. Cloverleaf should be inside."

The gray tabby was puzzled by her friend's behavior, but she shook it off. If he wants to tell me what he's thinking he will. "Okay, thanks." She leaned down, snatching up the bundle once more and bounding inside the medicine den.

Cloverleaf was more than happy to see her. "Mintpool!" The brown-and-white she-cat leapt forward, touching noses with her friend cheerfully. "How are you?"

"I'm fine!" Mintpool mewed back, just as cheery. "I brought you the herbs." She set down the bundle, gazing around the den. Everything was neatly stacked. Fresh moss nests were tucked away at the corners, and a clear pool was located towards the back. 

"Oh, thank you! We were running low, and couldn't find anything in our territory. All the leaves were withered already!" Cloverleaf nosed open the bundle, her green gaze lighting up with delight. "This is great! It'll definitely last us through the leaf-bare."

Mintpool purred. "That's awesome." She hadn't spoken to Cloverleaf in a while, too. Not since they'd heard about Cobrastrike's exile. And she could tell that Cloverleaf was struggling to comprehend the information as well. Her friend seemed to be extra cheery, as though to cover that gaping sadness. Leafwhisker on the other paw... well, he seemed just fine, which was something else that made Mintpool confused. He seemed to change a lot recently.

"Well, I should go now. Echoleaf might need me." Just as Mintpool was about to turn around, she hesitated. Should I tell Cloverleaf about Cobrastrike? No, she decided. Not now, at least. Maybe at a half-moon meeting.

"Okay!" Cloverleaf waved her tail in farewell as she disappeared towards the back of the den, where the herbs were probably kept. "See you at the half-moon meeting!"

"Alright." Mintpool turned around, darting outside the den, bidding Moonstar a formal farewell. She couldn't find Leafwhisker to say goodbye, though. Slight disappointment weighed her but she shook it off, trotting outside of the camp. 

"Mintpool, wait!" Leafwhisker's voice echoed behind her as he bounded out of the camp after her.

"Leafwhisker!" Mintpool turned around, surprised. They were outside the camp; no other cats could hear them. "Do you need something?"

"Er... yeah..." Leafwhisker cleared his throat, shifting back and forth on each paw. 

The gray tabby flicked her ears, puzzled at his confused behavior. What's gotten into him these days? "Oh, come on," she teased. "Spit it out."

Leafwhisker's pelt bristled nervously. Mintpool waited, leaning forward, her tail-tip twitching. Is everything okay? Is he sick or something?

"I like you," Leafwhisker blurted out.

The gray tabby stepped back, shock pulsing through her. "What? Did you just say...?" Leafwhisker... likes me? Her pelt bristled with absolute shock, her paws tingling. The EarthClan tom's gaze dropped to the ground, his tail-tip twitching as he searched for his next words. This can't be real.

Mintpool's mind whirled quickly. Thinking back on it, she did have feelings for Leafwhisker as well. He was funny, brave, and a good warrior. But this wasn't right! They couldn't - shouldn't - like each other. Panic seized hold of her. Robinflight was right!

"I-" Leafwhisker started.

"Sorry," Mintpool squeaked, quickly, panic taking over. "I don't feel the same way." Spinning around, she bounded away from the brown tom as fast as her paws would carry her.

Mintpool didn't stop running until AirClan's camp was in sight. She stopped right outside, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. It was a late in the morning; most cats should be out on patrols. Thankfully, she should have most of the camp to herself.

The gray tabby felt as though she were shaking. She still couldn't get over the fact that Leafwhisker had feelings for her! This isn't right! We're in separate Clans. And, more importantly, I'm a medicine cat and he's a warrior. She collapsed to the ground, too shocked to hold herself up anymore. She had to rest and think.

Guilt seeped over her as she remembered what she'd said. She'd just... outright rejected him. He must've felt so scared and nervous to tell her. Then, she just ran away. Mintpool rested her head on her paws, her tail-tip twitching with guilt. I'll see if I can make it up to him at the next Gathering. She knew, until then, she was going to avoid EarthClan's border and try to avoid any contact with Leafwhisker. It was just too much of a shock.

Thinking back on it, she will shamefully admit to herself that she did have a crush on him as an apprentice, and early on when she received her full medicine cat name. She liked spending time with him. But now... she wasn't sure what to think. They'd been drifting apart, almost, with her spending more and more time with Cobrastrike. She felt as though she'd lost those feelings for her friend. 

Another strike of guilt sent down her. She felt bad that he still liked her after she stopped spending as much time with him and lost her feelings. 

"Mintpool?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughts. The gray tabby turned around, her eyes landing on Adderclaw. Behind him stood Mistyfur, Skystorm, and Talonfrost. A patrol has returned. "What are you doing on the ground?"

The gray tabby scrambled to her paws instantly, heat pulsing through her. "Sorry, I was just in thought."

Her brother's eyes narrowed. "On the ground?"

Mintpool fluffed her fur, answering his question with a quick and speeded nod. "Yup. Wow, I'm hungry. I'll see you later." Before he could question her any longer, she turned around and zipped into the camp, bounding past the fresh-kill pile and straight into the medicine den. Thankfully, Echoleaf was nowhere to be seen.

The tabby exhaled, plopping herself on the cool stone ground, as more guilt started crawling up her. I promise you, Leafwhisker, she thought, that I will make this up to you.

Word Count // 1228

Not Edited

Hello! Here's a new chapter. So, any thoughts? Do you think Mintpool should feel guilty? Why or why not? I'd love to know! You don't need to agree with everything she says or does XD; I, personally, don't think she should feel guilty, but feel free to tell me your opinion! Okay, I don't know if it's just me, but it's super hot where I live right now. Make sure to drink lots of water! The cat at the top is Skystorm. I know she honestly had nothing to do with this chapter, but I like her name and I needed a chapter picture, so- Okay, that's all, bye!

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