Chapter 42

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Large gusts of winds roared outside of the nursery as Mintpool stepped back from Flowershine's nest. Four healthy kits, newborns, squirmed at the ginger queen's belly. The gray tabby sighed, weary but pleased. Flowershine's kits had come much easier than Snowfrost's, and she's managed to deliver them by herself.

"Congratulations, Flowershine," the gray tabby purred. "Four healthy kits! Three toms and a she-kit."

Flowershine nodded, not caring to reply, as she wrapped herself around her kits, giving their heads swift licks. Mintpool restrained a roll of her eyes. Even after she's just given birth, she still has the same attitude. The gray tabby's gaze drifted towards Adderclaw, who was crouched besides the nest, wondering if her brother had calmed down and forgiven her.

It was a moon after Snowfrost's death, although the pain was just as harsh. Adderclaw seemed out of it for the entire moon, barely talking to any cat, his eyes always sad of angry. However, now Mintpool was pleased to see her brother's eyes light up and joy and love as he nuzzled his mate and kits. 

The gray tabby sighed again. Although new kits always made her happy, it wasn't enough to erase the heavy sadness that still lingered. Too much had happened this moon, with her mother dying and her leader going soon after...

Mintpool felt her pelt twitch. Spottedstar had died a couple days after Snowfrost. Everything had moved too quickly; the tabby barely had time to process it. Before she knew it Echoleaf was bringing Thistlefur to the Moonpool, and soon after they returned, Thistlefur being Thistlestar, and him appointing Skystorm as deputy.

Although, she supposed, it was normal. Life and death were a just a part of things. Snowfrost is gone, but her kit, whom Leafstorm had named Lilykit, was here, curled up and asleep in her nest. And, Spottedstar's gone, but Flowershine brought four healthy kits into the Clan.

Adderclaw blinked at Mintpool, ducking his head almost grudgingly, as though saying thank you. Warmth spread throughout the gray tabby as she replied with a happy flick of her tail. Another thought formed in her mind. Since Flowershine has kits now, maybe Lilykit will be able to share her milk...

However, she wasn't sure if that would work. Adderclaw already has a deep dislike for Lilykit, and Flowershine has four kits. She might not have enough milk... Mintpool sighed. Lilykit will just have to continue eating mashed up prey, I suppose.

Mintpool gazed at the kits. They were all beautiful. However, one in particular caught her eye. The only she-kit. She had a fluffy white pelt with spots of black, looking similar to Snowfrost. The gray tabby ruffled her pelt, glancing at Adderclaw, hoping that he would name her after their mother. "Have you decided on names yet?"

Flowershine and Adderclaw exchanged a glance. "I suppose so." The ginger queen twitched her tail-tip, touching a ginger-and-white tom. "This one will be Bumblekit."

"How about Sunkit for this one?" Adderclaw suggested, nodding at a fully ginger tom-kit.

"Great," Flowershine agreed. "And this one can be called Flamekit." She nodded to an orange tom with black stripes that looked like flames.

Both parents' gazes turned towards the white kit. Mintpool blinked hopefully at Adderclaw as he studied the little white kit for a name. His blue eyes were conflicted, as though thinking about naming her Snowkit. The gray tabby twitched her tail-tip hopefully.

"Spotkit?" Flowershine suggested.

"Oh." Adderclaw twitched his pelt. "Sure."

Mintpool blinked at him, feeling disappointment worm in her belly. Enough, Mintpool. They're Flowershine's kits, too. However, she couldn't still help but wish that Spotkit had been named Snowkit.

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