Caleb and Candy's Encounter

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"You can't run forever"!
"We'll get ya eventually"!
Caleb gripped Candy's hand tighter as they stumbled and dodged through the dense forest.
Hurriedly, they scanned for which direction to run in next.
"Ummmm", Caleb stalled. "Let's try this way"!
Before they could make a move, Gavin- Daniel Monroe jumped in front of them cackling wickedly. The pair went to turn back, but Johnny- Jacob Monroe blocked their way.
"Shit"! Caleb cursed, shifting his gaze between the two possessed boys. He pushed Candy behind him and began to back away two- who continued to stalk closer.
"Gotcha", Johnny taunted. He lunged toward the two teens, knife pointed toward them. They jumped apart at the last minute, Caleb shoved him to the ground.
        Gavin took the opportunity to make his own attack. Thinking quickly, Candy dipped down and picked up a large sized rock. Next to her, Caleb and Johnny wrestled around. Clawing, punching, and fighting for the knife. Johnny kicked Caleb off, causing the spectacled teen to land at Candy's feet. This distracted her from Gavin long enough for the boy to pounce at her. She turned back just in time to slam the stone into his head.
       He let out a pained yell and fell to the ground, distracting Johnny. Caleb seized his collar and punched him in the face. The male flew backwards and gripped his bleeding nose.
       Caleb scrambled back up, picking up his own rock and joining Candy at her side. They watched as Gavin groaned and pulled himself to his feet. Blood trickled down his head and into his eye. He tried to slow the bleeding with his hand only to let loose more spurts of the crimson liquid as he tripped around to a standing position. He started to chuckle.
"Those won't do you much good when you meet Mama. You'll need more than rocks and dumb luck when she gets her hands on ya. That is if the dogs don't get ya first".
       The two brothers started laughed maniacally. Candy and Caleb glanced at each other fearfully. When they returned their attention to the brothers, Gavin attacked again. His knife wielding hand raised high above his head as he charged toward Caleb with a load roar.
        Panicking, Caleb dropped his rock and caught his assailant's arm. The impact forced them backwards, slamming Caleb onto a nearby tree. Gavin was slightly taller and his newfound possession only made him stronger.
        Caleb struggled to keep the blade above his head as it slowly inched closer to his head. In the midst of the melee, Candy snapped her gaze to the ground and spotted a large branch. She threw her rock aside and grabbed it. She ran toward the two males and swung the branch at Gavin's head. Gavin's head snapped forward and he fell to the ground in a heap. Candy stood behind him, heaving. Behind her, Johnny dashed up and ran at her.
         Candy whirled the branch back and swung it directly into Johnny's bleeding nose. He stumbled sideways and fell down unconscious.
         The pair gawked at the motionless forms and looked at each other. Without wasting another moment, Caleb grabbed Candy's hand and ran. Unbeknownst to them, they were running in the direction of Monroe House.

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