Our Last Adventure

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   "Today marks the four year anniversary of the disappearances of local high schoolers, Kendall Phillips, Wayne Ford, and Carmen and Justin Andrews. The four teens went into the Black Forest to shoot a ghost hunting video for their YouTube channel and haven't been seen since. Some say they fell victim to the Monroe Curse, others say they simply ran away. Either way, the residents of Black Forest Ridge gives their thoughts and prayers to their families tonight".
     Julia switched off the T.V. and slumped back into the couch. She shivered as she thought about the four teens she vaguely remembered passing in the hall ways, laughing and minding their own business without a care in the world.
      They were seniors and a sophomore when she was a freshman. They were some of the most popular kids in the whole school. And then one day they were gone. Dropped off the face of the earth. Now she was a senior herself and still got a a chill down her spine whenever she thought about them. A ding from Julia's phone startled her out of her thoughts.

CandyGurl🍭: what's up?

    Candice Riley, Julia's best friend texted. Julia laughed in relief and started to reply.

JuliaChilds🥐: pretty good! You scared the hell outta me though 😂.
CandyGurl🍭: sorry bout that 😅.
JuliaChilds🥐: that's ok. So what's up?
CandyGurl🍭: do you wanna come down to Clara's Place with me and rest of the gang? Hunter has another "bright idea".
JuliaChilds🥐: oh, god 🙄. Yeah, I'll be down. What time?
CandyGurl🍭: how does six sound?
JuliaChilds🥐: sounds great! See you then!

    Julia rolled her eyes. Hunter Sherwood was one of those get everyone into the action kind of friends, who had a bit of reckless attitude but had his days where he was tolerable. Hopefully this was one of those days.
     Six o'clock finally rolled around and Julia drove down to Clara's Place, a small local diner she and her friends frequented. She walked in and saw her friends at their usual booth. Candice turned and waved at her. Hunter was there with his football jacket and his mischievous grin. Next to him was Layla Kyle, a quiet brown haired girl, who had to be persuaded into most of their adventures. Then Caleb Johnson, who was a stereotypical nerd with his straight black hair and boxy glasses. Then, lastly, Chris Masters, an outdoorsy guy who was the first to jump into the adventures with Hunter.
      Julia smiled and waved at them as she sat next to Candice in the booth. "Ok", she started. "What's this 'oh so' grand idea Hunter has for us this time"?
       The group chuckled and looked at Hunter. Hunter theatrically cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. "Alright, you guys ready"? He asked. Everyone nodded eagerly.
"Ok. Who's up for some ghost hunting"?
"Where exactly were you thinking. Tell us that, at least, before we all say something", Chris said.
"Monroe House".
     Everyone tensed. They all stared at Hunter as if he suggested to rob the mayor's office.
"Are you serious, man", Caleb said. "Do you even realize what today is"?
"Yes I do. I was also thinking we could solve the mystery of their disappearance. Think about it, we find out what happened to them and we become local heroes"!
     Candice pinches the bridge of her nose. "Or, we end up disappearing along with them and we'll be part of the urban legend".
      Everyone agreed. Even Hunter nodded in understanding. He knew this would be risky, and he truly thought it was a far fetched idea. But he always loved an adventure with a risk and this seemed like a golden opportunity.
"I get that", he said.  "But this will also be our last adventure together. Hell, I'll even go half way and say we can just check out the woods and not go anywhere near that house at all, if you guys want. If I'm being honest I think we should go for the whole thing cause it would be a great last hoorah for the lot of us before we part ways".
    The group stayed silent. It would make for a great last adventure for them before all left for school, but at a big cost. It stayed silent for what felt like an eternity before Hunter spoke up again. "Ok, how bout this? You all think about it and we meet back here tomorrow at noon with a final decision. I won't judge or moan about anyone who doesn't want to go. Just give me your answers and if the majority says 'no' than we'll all pick something else together. Pinky promise". He held out his pinky in the middle of the table.
     Just to humor  him, everyone joined their pinkies in the middle of the table with a small, half hearted chuckle. They talked for an hour longer until everyone gradually left. Each one feeling a heavy and dark weight on their shoulders.

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