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"So, what did the coppers decide upon seeing everything themselves"? Hunter questioned, wrapping his graduation gound so he could stuff it into his duffle bag.
The teens were all gathered at their usual spot at Clara's Place, sipping on milkshakes and eating baskets of union rings. They were all de-robing from their caps and gounds and stashing them safely into their bags. They were treating them like sacred objects, thankful that they were able to make it to their graduation alive.
"They're pinning everything on the brothers. Apparently, Tanner and Johnny shared classes with our ghost hunting friends. They suspect either jealousy or a fued had broken out, then they stalked and killed them while they were investigating the forest. The final nail in that coffin was the pile of bodies at the bonfire site. Even though they all saw the property and agreed that the cracks in the ground were surprisng, our testimonies, and that the video was unexplainable, supernatural forces doesn't satisfy the bigger picture. So, they put together that the brothers commited the crimes, burned everything to cover their tracks, and made a run for it. Everyone except their families are buying it, so far". Caleb explained, adjusting his glasses.
The group nodded in agreement. They felt guilty that they couldn't tell the families what truley happened, but it would only sound insensitive and far-fetched. So, they went along with the whole murder mystery plot. They could only move forward and pray that the truth would come to light someday.
They halted their conversation as the waitress approached and set food plates infront of them.
"I still can't believe all of that happened to us". Layla lamented.
"Me neither", Caleb agreed.
"OH! Have you guys heard about what their doing with the forest now"? Candy asked, scanning the group for their reactions. They shook their heads.
"I heard that their gonna make it into an official 'historical' hiking trail. Their plan is to turn it into some kind of tourist attraction, complete with viewing the infamous house. From a distance, of course".
The friends rolled their eyes and shook their heads again; this time in disbelief.
"That sounds like a splendid idea"! Chris said, his voice practically oozing sarcasm.
"So, you guys wanna do that hike", Hunter petitioned with fake curiousity. Grinning at the unamused galres from his friends. The table broke into a fit a giggles.
They resumed their dining and idle chatter as they celebrated moving on to the next chapter in their lives and that they put an end to the town's century old curse, once and for-all.

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