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   All night long the group thought long and hard about Hunter's proposition. It sounded like an amazing adventure, but it also sounded like the most dangerous one Hunter ever suggested.
     Even when the next day rolled around and noon arrived, they still felt nervous about the whole thing as they drove to the diner. Hunter was already there waiting for them, stirring his coffee absentmindedly.
      Silently, the friends sat down and looked around at one another. Waiting for someone to start speaking.
"So", Hunter started. "What do you guys think"?
    They all exchanged one more glance and silently came to a decision.
"We're in", Julia said.
"That's great"! Hunter exclaimed. "You guys don't have to worry about anything. I'll do all the research we need and bring all the essentials. I got your back guys. Pinky promise"?
    The group chuckled and interlocked their pinkies again. They continued to talk things over for a while until they felt more at ease with their decision. There were still some things to worry about here and there, but it finally narrowed down to as long as they didn't split up, they'd be fine.
     As more time passed they all agreed to meet at Hunter's at seven to se what research he dug up about the house the woods, and the history surrounding them. And hopefully solve the mysterious disappearances.

Sorry this one was so short. The next one will be longer. Pinky promise! 😉😆

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