Something Better Than Nature

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The next day was even worse for Killua. He couldn't shake the lingering darkness that kept clouding his mind. He'd noticed it got worse when he was around Gon but he couldn't understand why, but he wasn't about to let the feeling stop him from being around Gon. 

It was the last class of the day and Killua was deep in thought, staring out of the classroom window when he felt a familiar tug on his sleeve. He looked over to see Gon staring at him with concern. 

"Are you ok?" Gon whispered to him, mindful of Mr. Phox, they'd already gotten in trouble by him before. 

"Yeah." Killua gave him a small smile to reassure him he was alright. Gon eyed him suspiciously before going back to doodling pictures of Killua in his notebook. 

After a while, Killua got bored of staring at birds and trees and decided to take a peek over Gon's shoulder to see what he was doing. He couldn't hold back the smile that formed on his lips at the sight of Gon doodling little drawings of him. They were all different. There were drawings of miniature Killua, cat Killua, sleeping Killua, and more. They weren't the best drawings but Killua adored them. He snatched the notebook from Gon before he could respond and took a closer look at the drawings. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Gon just stared wide-eyed at Killua. 

Killua glanced over the drawings before handing the notebook back to Gon. 

"Cute." He said with a smirk. 

"I know, they suck. You don't have to rub it in." Gon shot back grumpily, starting to erase one of his drawings. Killua frowned and grabbed the pencil out of Gon's hand. 

"Hey, hey, don't ruin my beautiful face! I happen to like your drawings." 

"Really?" Gon asked excitedly.

"Mhm." Killua hummed, giving Gon back his pencil. 

The bell finally rang at long last and Gon gathered up his books and shoved them into his book bag. He stood up and started walking to Killua who was already waiting for him at the door. 

As they walked out of the school, they were too engulfed in their conversation to pay attention to their surroundings. 

"But why should I have to wash my towel? The towel washes me. What's next, washing the shower?" Gon said animatedly, staring at Killua. 

"Gon- that's disgusting." Killua made a look of disgust and shook his head to show his disapproval. 

"Oh c'mon! You know I'm right. I get out of the shower, clean as a damn baby-"

Gon was cut off by a heavy sheet of rain pelting his face. He frowned and jumped back under the roof of the school building. 

"Ack! It's raining." He pouted, smoothing back his now damp hair. 

Killua raised his brow at Gon, "Scared of a little rain?" 

"No. I just don't like it." 

"Didn't you like, grow up in a forest surrounded by a bunch of animals and shit?" 

"Rude." Gon rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself. The rain started coming down harder, hindering their ability to see anything past the wall of water surrounding them. The temperature was starting to get colder as well and Gon was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

Killua rolled his eyes, noticing Gon starting to shiver.

"C'mere. We'll just have to wait it out." Gon nodded his head and walked towards Killua's outstretched arms. Killua was wearing a white, baggy sweater and black jeans but even without them he wouldn't be cold. He has years of assassin training to thank for that. 

Gon placed his hands into the holes of Killua's sweater while he held Gon close, rubbing his back in hope of offering him what little warmth he had. They stayed like that for a while, Killua twitching his nose at Gon's wet hair in his face and Gon resting his head against Killua's shoulder. Eventually Killua broke the silence. 

"You really need to start washing your towels." Killua mumbled, brushing Gon's hair out of his face. 

"I don't understand why you're getting on my back for this, it's my thing, I don't judge your thing." Gon said, pulling Killua closer to him as a gust of wind blew by. 

"What thing?" 

"Your obsession with chocolate milk." Gon mumbled but Killua was able to hear him. 

"It's not a 'thing'." 

"It is!"

"It's not a thing!"

"It's a thing! It's a gallon of milk."


"Every time I see you-"

"Mhmm." Killua cut off Gon and pulled away, starting to walk away from him.

"Wait no, come back, I'm sorry." Gon called out, coughing and shivering dramatically even though in all reality he wasn't that cold, he just missed being close to Killua. 

Killua sighed, but stopped and walked back to Gon. Gon's face lit up again and he slid his hands into the holes of Killua's sweater, inching closer to him and resting his head on Killua's shoulder. 

"You're just using me for warmth you little shit." Killua teased, wrapping his arms around the raven haired boy. 

"Maybeeee." Gon said with a little giggle. 

"Damn parasite." Killua rolled his eyes but smiled as well. He laid his head on top of Gon's, and that's when he felt it. His heart beat started beating a little quicker than usual despite him feeling absolutely calm. He felt Gon leaning into him and that's when a little blush crept onto his cheeks. 

Gon's reactions mimicked Killua's as he took in the realization of how close they were. Killua's fingers were absentmindedly rubbing circles into the small of his back. Gon closed his eyes, trying to calm down his heart rate. This feeling wasn't new to him like it was for Killua. 

Despite their embarrassment and increased heart rates, they were both relaxed and comfortable. In that moment it was just the two of them, holding each other close and trying to share their warmth with one an other.  

The moment was short lived however when an overwhelming voice came into Killua's mind. 

Kill him. 

Killua pulled back suddenly, startling Gon in the process who looked at him with confusion. Killua looked around for an excuse and realized the rain had finally stopped. 

"The rain stopped, we should get home." Killua said nervously, still shaken by the voice that didn't belong to him. Gon nodded and was about to walk away when a thought popped into his head. 



"Wanna have a sleepover?"

"Sleepover?" Killua asked, tilting his head in confusion. He'd never heard of a sleepover before. 

"Yeah, it's where you stay the night at my house!" Gon explained with a big smile Killua couldn't say 'no' to. 

"Hm.. Sure, why not." Killua answered. 

They began walking side by side to Gon's house. The temperature was starting to rise again and birds were chirping in the trees. The colors of nature were brighter than before, the grass a deeper shade of green and the sky a deep light blue. The scenery was beautiful. Rain drops littered on a few blades of grass, tree leaves and flower petals around them. Every once in a while a few rain drops would fall from the tree leaves and sprinkle onto the boys below. 

For once, Gon's eyes weren't on the beloved nature around him. 

They were fixed on a certain pale skinned, blue eyed boy. 

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