A Promise

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"Ah Killua." His father's deep voice called almost affectionately as soon as the pale boy entered the room, the doors shutting closed behind him. 

"Come. Sit with me." He patted an empty space beside him and Killua hesitantly took it. 

"So..." Killua started quietly, staring down at his hands. 

"Tell me about him." 

Killua gaped up at his father's curious and soft expression. 

He nodded and started rambling away. 

"And then! I turned around to see Gon eating flour... straight from the bag. He spat it out so fast." Killua half-laughed, wiping away a stray tear that had pooled at the corner of his eye as he recalled with nostalgia, the memory of Gon. 

"He's such an idiot." Killua said with affection, sinking back into the couch. 

His father laughed and placed a heavy hand on Killua's head, ruffling his hair. 

"You seem to be very fond of this boy." 

His laugh only deepened when there was no response from Killua other than a sad smile mixed with a pink tinted face. 

"Go to him." His father had stopped laughing and he stared at Killua with dead seriousness. 

"Y-You mean that?" Killua asked nervously, taken aback by his father's words. 

"Yes. But only if you promise to never betray him again." 

Killua nodded fervently, standing up a little too quickly and rushing towards the door. 

"I promise!" 


Killua paused. 

"Your clothes." 

Killua looked down at his half-naked body and chuckled sheepishly, grabbing a pair of pants and a shirt that his father threw at him. 

Killua quickly threw on the articles of clothing and rushed down the halls, ignoring everyone in his path. His heart was beating sporadically against his ribcage but he was livid with happiness. He was positive there was a determined, goofy grin on his face. 

Despite his aches and pains, he pushed past them and ran faster. 

He made it to the front doors and pushed them open, the sunlight blinding him momentarily before he jumped out only to fall back on his ass with a groan. 

He rubbed at his eyes as he adjusted to the light and the scene before him was almost too familiar. 

Killua was so relieved and happy he began crying, though he barely registered the warm liquid spilling down his pale cheeks as he pulled the raven haired boy who was rubbing at his lower back into a firm hug. 

Killua gripped his fingers into Gon's shirt as if he were his life line, which to him, he was. 

"I missed you so fucking much." Killua choked out, barely able to speak due to the lump in his throat. 

"I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it." He shook his head, not allowing Gon to get a word in as he continued. Gon hugged Killua back just as tightly, relieved to have him back in his arms again. 

"I shouldn't have left you. Believe me, I didn't want to. When you love someone you should never betray them. You should protect them no matter the costs but I was scared. I-"

"You love me?" Gon's sweet voice questioned next to his ear. 

"I- Yes." Killua's voice was quiet and he buried his face into Gon's shoulder. 

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