-New life-

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Curious George's POV-

I slowly rise from my slumber.

Today was THE day.

My first day of highschool.

It's terrifying to think about it. It's either going to be great, or absolutely horrible.

I groggily reached over to the annoying alarm clock and gave it a small smack, silencing it immediately. I could smell lovely breakfast coming from downstairs, the scent combined with my nostrils. The Man In The Yellow Hat always made the best breakfast ranging from pancakes to omelettes. I clumsily got up from my king-sized bed and stood up leaving the warmth behind. I made my way over to the bathroom where, after some rummaging, I found my toothbrush and after that toothpaste. I lay a big glob of the mint flavored paste on the brush and pour some cold tap water on it, then putting it in my mouth and cleaning my teeth. While doing this I couldnt stop looking at myself in the mirror. I looked rather sick today, not good for the first day of highschool. I wished I had better eyes, I always thought mine were too big, and my nose too wide.

Contemplating about my face distracted me from the task at hand, brushing my teeth. I spat out the minty water and cleaned off my face and toothbrush, swiftly also using some mouthwash for a better smell. I strutted out of the bathroom still sleepy, I grabbed my new school uniform and put it on me. The top was a tight fit but other than that it was fine, I never really liked it anyway.
I ran over to my mirror and fixed my hair and other small features.

"George come down, breakfast is getting colder by the minute!" shouted The Man In The Yellow Hat in a light tone. i grabbed my school bag and descended down the stairs meeting him in the kitchen. I sat myself down beside him by the small, oak table and started eating up. We had bacon and eggs for breakfast, one of my favorites.

"Oh Georgie I know how exhausted and scared you must be right now. Don't worry I felt it all too when I was your age." I nodded my head in agreement, my face overed in grease and crumbs. "You'll do great, I know it!" He added. It made me feel a little bit better about me but I was still scared that people were going to pick on me and bully me.

I finished my bacon and eggs and went to go out my plate in the sink and get some juice but The Man In The Yellow Hat stopped me. "No No. It's fine I can clean it. Go get some juice and get ready you're going to be late one your first day!!" I checked the time as he was saying that and indeed he was right. It was 8:35 and school starts at 8:45. I hand over the plate to him and grab myself a glass of apple juice (istg apple juice is way better than organge u little weirdos and no I don't have a piss kink for saying that I'm just speaking facts 🙄🙄🙄🙄). I eventually finish it and put it back down to go and grab my bag full of books.

"Good luck darling" said The Man In The Yellow Hat before I was able to escape through the door. "Thanks you" i mumbles back in response.

I knew one thing and one thing only.

I was NOT ready for this.

Curious George X Caliou !highschool au ENEMIES TO LOVERS-Where stories live. Discover now