Kazuscara #1

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MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS (I don't recommend reading if you haven't finished the 2nd part of the Electro Archon Story Quest)

The golden sun sank below the array of pink and orange clouds, and disappeared slowly into the darkening blue horizon. Now, all that could be heard was the consistent slosh of water and the occasional creak of wood. The night air subtly cooled with the absence of the sun, bringing in a peaceful and calm night.

"Kazuha, you mind if you take look-out tonight?" Beidou asked, suddenly breaking the silence. In reply, the white-haired male smiled and nodded. "Alright. Traveler, Paimon, you should sleep tonight as well. Tomorrow will be the first day of stormy seas, so it would be best to be ready." Beidou stated as she descended from her usual post. "That sounds like a great idea, Paimon's so tired she could sleep for a week!" Paimon exclaimed and then yawned deeply, "Come on, Aether, let's head down to the lower deck and get some shut eye." Beidou quietly retired to her captain's quarters but as Paimon floated towards the door to the lower deck, she stopped once she'd noticed the Traveler hadn't moved. "Aether?" Paimon asked while she floated back over to him, giving him a confused look. "Go ahead, I'll sleep later. I'm not tired just yet." Aether explained, keeping his eyes fixated with the endless ocean in the distance. "Okay, but Paimon better not hear you complain about being tired when we wake up early tomorrow." Paimon said and placed her hands on her hips before she went down into the lower deck. Aether chuckled at her before returning his attention to the calm seas ahead, hearing the ocean water brush along the hull.

Kazuha laid atop two wooden crates with his arms folded behind his head. He seemed to be watching the stars, content in the quietness of nature. Aether, on the other hand, sat himself down with his back against one of the masts. He didn't mind the calmness but since his fellow traveler was rather mysterious and still a new friend of his, he debated starting a conversation. Glancing at the horizon again, Aether pondered what dangers he'd face in Inazuma. "Will I see Lumine again? Can the Raiden Shogun even give me at least one answer? How much will it take for me to finally understand...?" Questions similar to these now also plagued his mind, and he became lost and troubled with his thoughts.

"So, you are of the night life too, I assume?" Kazuha's softly spoken question caught the Traveler's attention immediately. He was grateful he had began a conversation, knowing his thoughts probably wouldn't have improved otherwise. "Um...occasionally. Today was rather uneventful." Aether admitted and glanced at his friend, seeing that his eyes were still staring up at the night sky. Kazuha then smiled and spoke again, "It was, but a day of rest is a blessing a traveler gives to themselves when needed." Aether smiled a little and sighed in relief, silently agreeing with what his fellow traveler said. But, he still pondered the same big question and hesitated to ask it. "Kazuha...how bad is it in Inazuma?" After he'd asked this, he could feel the mood change and he even noticed a sad expression form on Kazuha's face.

Silence had fallen for merely a minute before the white-haired male spoke gently, "As you know, the Vision Hunt Decree has taken so much from the people of Inazuma...and the war between the Shogun's army and the Resistance has only just begun. So many events have happened yet many more are to come...." His voice then faded and Aether watched him sit up before standing on the deck. He then slowly walked over to the side of the boat and leaned over a little, feeling the sea breeze glide across his face. "Did you lose people because of the decree? Or the war?" Aether asked quietly, hoping he wasn't overstepping any lines. But he regretted asking once he saw Kazuha turn to him with a saddened expression that he had tried to lighten with a small smile. "When I had lost my friend and became a wanted man...I had to leave anyone I had loved behind.." That statement alone made a stray tear slip down Kazuha's cheek as he gazed out at the ocean. "Scar..." The pain now increased with every recalled memory and before he had realized it, he was silently shedding tears.

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