Kazuscara #2

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Slowly, scarlet and tangerine leaves became illuminated by the dwindling sunlight. A soft breeze started to scatter them all over the plaza, creating a blanket of autumn colors below the large maple tree. The commotion had began to lessen now as the people of Inazuma wandered off in their own lives, leaving Ritou's center to become calmer. A young male with white hair walked over to the murals that circled the tree and gradually gazed at each painting before stopping suddenly at the last one. 'Kunikuzushi' was the name underneath the portrait, yet no person had been depicted at all. He stared at that name for minutes on end, silently remembering the story of his clan's collapse. "Why did you spare my great-grandfather? Why did you sabotage that blueprint? Who are you..?" The answers seemed so near yet so far and he wished he could know them.

"Psst!" A quite voice suddenly caught his attention and Kazuha turned to see it's source. His maroon eyes suddenly locked with ocean blue and a smile pulled at his lips. The thoughts of the mystery faded as he approached a violet-haired male wearing a rather large wanderer's hat. "I see the decree is finally over." The other male said, beginning to walk outside of the city with Kazuha beside him. "I didn't expect to see you so soon, Scara. What brings you back to Inazuma?" Kazuha asked with a curious tone. Scaramouche sighed before shaking his head, "I had some things I needed to clear up." Kazuha nodded once in understanding and let silence take hold of the moment.

Both began to walk casually together along the coast, seeing the full moon hanging low towards the horizon. Kazuha gently took hold of Scaramouche's hand and saw his partner's face blush. Smiling, he stated quietly, "I missed you." The other grumbled an "I missed you too." in reply and attempted to ignore the burning he felt on his face. A crab scurried away from them as they stepped in sync, and a crane in the distance flapped it's wings gracefully. All seemed so peaceful, to the point where Kazuha sighed contently and leaned his head on the other's shoulder. "Mm, you know I'm not carrying you if you fall asleep." Scaramouche stated in an attempt to sound serious but Kazuha knew his boyfriend's tough-guy shtick. "Hmm, then what if I faint...right now?" Kazuha said slyly before he quickly swayed in front of him, about to fall to the ground.

Reacting in an instant, the harbinger caught him in both arms and huffed. Kazuha stared up at him and smiled after seeing the glare he was given, "You're carrying me now~" Scaramouche growled lightly at that taunt but continued to walk with the other steadily in his grasp. They soon approached the outskirts of Hanamizaka now, where the lights of the city houses glowed a dim yellow and the stray animals stretched and slept. Gradually, Scaramouche came to a stop near a bench. He let Kazuha out of his arms before they sat together.

"How long will you stay in Inazuma?" Scaramouche asked as he stared at the male next to him. The younger male hummed and shrugged, "I'm not sure. Beidou said she wants to leave after loading up a batch of fireworks from Yoimiya, but no one's sure how long that will take." The harbinger hummed, then sighed before carefully touching Kazuha's cheek. "I will be here for as long as you are. No more, no less." Scaramouche whispered before leaning in and connecting their lips.

Minutes passed and their kissing slowly transformed into a more heated and passionate affection. Neither could let go of the other, feeling their desires rising fast. Kazuha firmly took hold of Scaramouche's hand and pulled him up from the bench, then proceeded to tug his lover down one of the streets. Grumbling in slight annoyance, the harbinger followed and took the opportunity to grab the other's ass. Jolting at the touch, Kazuha turned to fire a playful glare at him, only to receive a grin. "Mm, you'll regret that." The white-haired male threatened as he yanked his boyfriend through the doorway before closing the door to the hotel room. Scaramouche felt a hand press into his chest as he was pushed against the door, suddenly being kissed. Humming, the harbinger wrapped his arms around the other male and groped his ass with both hands. Kazuha leaned into him and moaned into the kiss lightly.

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