Ittorou #1

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(This one is pretty long! Enjoy!)

"Heyyy, Traveler! Long time no see! How've ya been?" Itto greeted Aether, stepping across the maple wood bridge that lead up to the Inazuma mansion within the teapot realm. The smaller male glanced over his shoulder from his seat on a wooden bench and smiled, waving the Oni over. Itto plopped down right beside him and sighed, glancing out at the stunning view before them. The sunrise brought with it hues of orange and the golden-yellow shine of the sun now illuminated the cherry blossom trees on the steep slopes in the distance. The blue water now glimmered as waves gently rolled in and crashed against the cliffside, creating a relaxing sound.

"Wow...I never get tired of hangin' here." Itto stated, smiling at the scenery, "And, I still can't believe you made all this. It looks so awesome!" Aether laughed a little and sighed, enjoying a moment of peace before his busy day would being. Minutes passed and neither one could bring themselves to move from their seat, a comfortable silence lingering between them. "So..uh, I got a question for ya, homie." Itto suddenly spoke up and the blonde male beside him looked at him with his full attention. "Y'know how I've been writing to Ms. Hina every week? Just to get things off my chest and all that, y'know? Well...I kinda asked her if we could meet up and talk in person, but...I don't know how she'd feel around the gang aannd she did seem to hold high respect for you, sooo.." Itto's rambling was then cut short by Aether, "So, you want to bring Ms. Hina here, don't you?"

"Yeah! I knew you'd understand where I'm coming from! That's why you're one of my best homies." Itto stated happily and slapped the smaller male on the back from excitement, nearly pushing him over. Aether simply smiled a little and looked at the Oni with uneasiness. "He doesn't know who Ms. Hina really is..." Aether thought to himself. "What? What's with that look? Is it a no? Oh, please don't say no! If I talk to her out on the street, everyone from the Ms. Hina fan club will be trying to butt-into the conversation and ruin my chance!" Itto began to seem panicked, to which Aether quickly shook his head, "Wait, no. I'm not saying no to you, I'm just..not sure how you'll react.."

Itto gave him a look of confusion and asked, "React to what?" Aether suddenly drew a blank and couldn't -for the life of him- formulate a well-worded sentence to explain his reasoning. "Well..I, ah, what if Ms. Hina is really different than how she is depicted?" Aether nervously watched as his new friend's face remained confused. "What does 'depicted' mean?" The Oni sounded genuinely curious and Aether was not prepared for it. "It," Aether paused, "What if Ms. Hina doesn't look the way you think she looks?" Itto suddenly understood but still seemed curious. "You mean, she doesn't look anything like the cut-out at the Publishing House?" He asked and looked a little disappointed. "Yeah, well...kind of." Aether stated as he recalled the Ms. Hina flyer he'd received a while ago.

"Should I tell him who Ms. Hina really is? How would he react..?" Aether still debated spilling the beans or not, but before he could make a decision, he heard the Oni pipe up again. "No matter what Ms. Hina looks like, I still wanna see her. She's helped me so much in the past so how could I not at least thank her in person? Without her, I wouldn't be the man I am today!" Itto said proudly, his mind seemingly made up. "Granny Oni did say he's very dedicated, which means it's best not to argue about it now....I just hope Gorou doesn't die from embarrassment from this." Aether concluded his thoughts as he watched the Oni next to him start combing his hair.

- - - Later that Day - - -

"Thank you for completing your daily commissions! Ad Astra Abyssosque!" Kathryne stated before Aether walked away from the Adventurer's Guild. "Okay, so now that that's done, it's time to get some materials for Albedo. Let's see..." Aether spoke to himself and Paimon as he began looking through his backpack. "Traveler!" A voice shouted from down the street behind him, he turned to see Gorou jogging to catch up, "Aether, can I...ask for your help with something really quick?" The blonde nodded and  was about to follow the other male but Gorou hadn't moved. " private?" The general seemed nervous, so Aether politely asked his emergency food to wait there. (Much to her disapproval and annoyance.)

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