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ranboos POV:

We've been sitting in the Albertsons produce section for a few hours now just talking and trying to get to know each other.

"You know, I like the way your voice goes, uhhhhhh," Tubbo states out of the blue.

"How my voice goes like- goes like uhhhhhh??" I questioned.

He mumbled a yeah as I glanced at him. I gulped and spoke, "Do you think we could like— team up? Y'know.. stay together during these crazy times?" I interrupted before he could talk, "Or not y'know, you don't have to, I don't wanna like pressure you into teaming or something." before muttering a final 'sorry'.

way to go you totally messed that up.

he put his hand up to silence me, "can you please shut your mouth before i hit you?" he took a deep breath, "But... yeah, i think maybe teaming would be cool. we'd also have each other's back. right?"

Giving him a nod he stood. "We should probably get going then. we shouldn't stay here for much longer if we don't want to become monster munch."

I was about to get up until I noticed his hand out. I gave a small smile under my mask before taking it. He took a hint from that and smiled back. (smile ur on camera :] /j)

Meeting Tubbo was one of the best things that's happened to me during this apocalypse considering the circumstances. We found out we actually had a lot of common interests. I told him about the cool things I've built and he just kind of smiled and nodded showing he understood. (i changed this part a little from minecraft cuz yknow, they're literally like in minecraft)

"Say.. when do you think you'll take off your mask in front of me?" Tubbo looked at me while walking.

I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand and stared at the floor, "I dunno... I guess when I'm just ready, Is that okay?" I raised my head once again to look at him.

He had a slightly disappointed face on and kept walking. "how do you exactly get out of here if all the zombies are out there? you can't exactly go back out the front," He stared at the door.

He looked at my hand when I pointed at the doors, "Well I kinda just, yknow, go through the front. zombies don't pay too much mind to me. Maybe because of the mask.."

Tubbo gave a small hum, "Should we try to do that? Then run to the forest?"


"Okay," He mumbled. "Let's do this, weapon ready?"

I nodded and we made our way to the entrance(i spent 5 minutes trying to spell that and it's probably still wrong 😑). After taking a deep breath I undid the lock and quietly opened the door. I motioned for Tubbo to get out so I could close the door. He slipped out before I came out myself and locked it again.

There were about 6 zombies nearby and in sight. But none tried to attack. they generally tried to stay away. "This is bogus... Why are they staying away...?" Tubbo whispered to me.

I just shrugged and kept close to him until we reached the forest. "It's kind of what happens with me. they never attack me," I stopped walking.

"It's like you're the.. the alpha or something. i'd go far enough to say they might be scared of you," Tubbo started. "But that's so weird. zombies aren't scared of anything but the sun. like they're allergic to it... It just doesn't make sense. Could it be the way you smell or something?"


"hm?" Tubbo looked at me.

"you're ranting."

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