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*A few months went by*

You were with ruv playing video games in the living room together "ahahaha! I win" you smiled as you tackled ruv to the floor turning into a play fight. As he smiled and the room filled with your laughter you both sighed after settling down when sarv called and said dinner was ready. You both got up as you sat down and ruv sat next to you. Sarv put down plates of pasta because why not? You all dig in happily. You ate and enjoyed the food as ruv watched you admiring your evrey move as he picked up some from your plate onto his fork and held it twords your mouth as you ate it happily. He fed you for a few turns as sarv couldn't handle it and finished eating and walked straight to the church "I wonder what's up with her today-" you  said with a but of food in your mouth "dunno-" he shrugged as he ate the food off the fork you held twords his mouth. After eating you decided to nap on the couch as ruv covered you with his jacket  "sarv-" sarv ran up to ruv "yes~!" She chirped "you okay? Your acting weird-" her grin grew wider. That's because you and y/n are finnaly getting closer!

Ruv's face turned red as he darted his eyes to the floor. "Whatever..." He mumbled as he covered his face. "She's gonna figure it out ruv so just tell her-" he huffed "I can't...she probably likes someone else-" sarv rolled her eyes " she loves you ruv. I'm sure of it." She reassured him as they walked back into the home. It was late as you all headed to bed in the room. Ruv had a hard time falling asleep as he turned over to see you asleep slight drool dripping from your mouth and messy hair. And a calm expression on your face he kissed your cheek hesitantly as his face turned red.

Sh-shit I take it back-wait can I even take back a kiss? No--i meant it but i-uh  thank God she isnt awake.... He sighed and felt sick again as he Sat up and walked to the bathroom sitting next to the toilet and hand over his mouth. "Are you okay-?" Ruv jumped at the sound of y/ns quiet voice "s-sorry did i wake you up?" He asked.  She nodded no while rubbing her eyes. "It's okay...I'll stay with you" she sat next to ruv and leaned on his shoulder.
The feeling went away and he felt comfort. After a bit you fell back asleep as he carried you back to bed and wrapped his arms around you and fell asleep.

The next day you and ruv were sitting together on a old playground on the swing set as you both talked away. It was cloudy and cool just as you would expect on a October afternoon. Ruv admired your voice as you rambled on  "hey ruv you okay? Your  face is a bit red" he flinched and his his face looking the other way "I'm fine-" you smirked "watcha thinking about huh-?"

He blushed hard "oh shut up..." You huffed you could at least tell me-" he looked down " it's nothing forget it-"   "oh come on it can't be that bad! Plus I already know your darkest secrets what so secret about this one-?" You asked  as you sat on his lap swinging at the same pace. His heart thumped in his chest. "Your so cute damnit..." He mumbled but you heard you got off his lap "so that's it... Huh?" You took a few steps forward not facing his direction He felt sick again like he was about to throw up and he felt dizzy. "You like me don't you ruv?" You said while you turned around to face him he looked down ashamed. " Ruv... What I think you don't understand is I love you-" his breath hitched  and there was a small silence

Ruv darted off the swing and ran up twords you lifting your chin as he kissed you passionately. You nearly stumbled back at the impact as you happily returned the kiss.  "You can't even imagine how many times I've daydreamed about doing this with you" he chuckled "моя любовь~" he chuckled "and it doesn't mean soilder~" you looked up at ruv " then what does it mean..? He chuckled "it means my love~" you blushed hard "n-nevermind-"  he laughed at your reaction "so I guess theres  no need for me to hide anymore so  now I get to tease the hell out of you-"
You huffed "thats mean-" he smirked "I know, it is~" he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered in your ear "your mine and only mine" you rolled your eyes "and your MY boyfriend-  from now on-" he blushed slightly "how cute~" you huffed "Can. You quit that!" He snickered "quit what shorty-" you held his hand and dragged him "nevermind now come on sarvs waiting!"
Ruv whined the entire time. As you laughed.

Is this the end of the story but if you read the next chapters that's the extended ending!!!

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