Earning Trust=Information Needed

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Bayley POV: I sat up from a nightmare...again but this time i felt ears running down my face as i couldn't get my nightmare out of my head. I looked over to see if Mercedes was back in the room with me but she wasn't "Where could she be?" I asked myself as i got out of bed to go bathe as well as check on the damage Mercedes Mom left on me last night. As i got all my stuff that i needed for the bath i saw a note on the door that read "When you're finished with the bath go back to the room and wait for me there we need to have a serious talk- Roger" in black ink. I grabbed he note and threw it in the trash can in the bathroom and closed the door behind me making sure it's shut and locked up. I got naked and turned on the knobs for the hot and cold water making sure it was the right temperature but as that was going i took time to examine my body in which most of the places that she had hit me were still pretty bruised up mostly in my chest area as well as my ribs "Damn it. At least some of the swelling has gone down but not so much." I said as i turned off the knobs and got in the tub to at least relax my body as best as i could. After washing my hair, chest, face and whatever else you could think of i managed to get out slowly because my body was hurting me really badly but as i was drying my face I swear saw Mercedes for a split second which caused me to look around in the bathroom but i she was nowhere so i just sighed and put on my clothes for the day as well as grabbed my stuff before i headed out of the bathroom and turned out the light but before i shut the door i saw Mercedes again but on the floor however as i turned on the light no one was there again "Maybe i am just imagining things." I said as i shut the light off and closed the door shut.

I waited for Roger to come in the room because he needed to have a serious talk with me but i am not going to lie i am scared of what this talk is about. I was lost in my thoughts before the door opened to reveal Roger who had come in and shut the door. "Bayley thank you for waiting for me even though i took 30 minutes because i was visiting someone. So we need to have a serious talk about some things and if you just hear me out everything will be alright." "O-Okay." I said trying to keep my cool as i am very afraid of what he is going to say or possibly do to me "So for starters I am very sorry for how you and have gotten into this situation as well as how you two mostly Your friend has been treated here by my wife. This whole thing was a plan because my wife needed money to pay bills and Erika had asked my wife now Ex-Wife and me to kidnap Mercedes so then we both were trying to find Mercedes, so Erika gave us the coordinates to your apartment Bayley because that's where she heard that Mercedes would be staying at before she got taken away. So during that time that Joshua and and her mother were living in the house they had been planning on how to get Mercedes for revenge once they got out of prison. About a few days later prior to kidnapping both of you we had met up with Mercedes mother and Joshua here at our house because my wife wanted to discuss and confirm the amount of cash that we'd be receiving and it was way more than we'd be expecting almost up to 5 years worth of cash that we wouldn't have to pay bills. So then the night before we had heard you guys talking about taking a run in the morning and my Ex-wife thought that was the perfect place to kidnap Mercedes only but then we were both scared that you would call the cops so that's why your here Bayley and now Mercedes is going to be put through stuff that my own daughter went through and i am afraid that since her mother and Joshua are here that she is going to die and made into food as my daughter was."

He finished saying to me and i was in shock that Mercedes own mother is paying these people to keep us in here and now i may never see my best friend that i consider my sister from another mother that my mom loved. I was about to ask him something when the door opened. "Hey honey i was-" "DON'T Even call me that bitch" Roger said sternly to the his now Ex wife. I just stared in shock because he just finished talking to me in a nice calm voice. "Oh My Bad Roger...I was just..." Her voice trailed off as she saw me and then whispered something into Rogers Ear that i couldn't hear at all which got me really concerned. "I wonder if it's about Mercedes...Maybe she knows where she is." I thought to myself  "Yeah Yeah Just give me a few minutes will you." Roger said snapping me out of my thoughts and i saw Rebecca leave the room while shutting the door leaving just me and Roger alone. "Bayley as i was saying that i figure you should know that that is what's happening right now and i would like to help you and your friend get out of here." He said to me. I just stayed quiet and thought for a couple seconds before asking him "How do you know i can trust you I mean...I barely know you." I said to him "Bayley what can i do to gain your trust?" He asked me before i asked him the one question that i wanted to ask that day that Mercedes was Sexually Assaulted "Just answer me this one question honestly and truthfully...Did you try to Rape Sasha That day that you and your Ex Fought?" I asked him sternly while looking at him straight in the eyes. After a few minutes of Awkward silence  he gave me the answer that i wanted "No i didn't i was actually trying to stop Rebecca from hurting Sasha because as i said before she only wanted the money but we both had wrestled each other all over the room but when i pinned her up against the wall to try to tell her the door opened and i was shot in my shoulder which is why it was taped up when i tried to stop her and why you saw me on the chair when you came in." He said and now i trust him because if a man is against raping women then he is a trusted one for life. "Okay i trust you." I said "Okay good because i believe i know where they're keeping sasha and we have to rescue her before she meets the same fate as my daughter did." He said. "well i have to go check on Mercedes and while im down there i'll get more information on what they are planning for Mercedes for these few weeks until the day that they decide to make her into grounded meat and i will come back here to meet with you later on because i want to show you something not even my EX knows about this place, so go ahead and get breakfast and i'll meet with you after work." He finished saying before i asked him a question "How do you know my friends name was Mercedes and why do you care about her so much Roger." And He gave me an answer which i started to trust him even more and He said as he was getting up and opening the door before saying "Because she reminds me of my own daughter." He said before walking out leaving me alone smiling but then i went sad because She isn't here. "I just hope i find her soon." 

Hey guys sorry for the really long update i've just been busy with school so i hope this makes up for it. But let me know what type of torture you guys would want me to put Mercedes/Sasha Banks through for the next chapter Thank you very much for your patience

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