Right Place Wrong Time

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Bayley POV: I watched as the guys had unstrapped Mercedes but they left the straightjacket on her and walked out closing the door behind them. I turned around to see Mercedes just having her eyes closed almost afraid to move "PLEASE JUST LET ME GO! PLEASE I JUST WANT MY MOM AND PAMELA PLEASE!" She said as she started sobbing. I walked up to her and started stroking her face as tears we're just falling down her face "Mercedes. It's okay now. You can open your eyes and move your body now. Your safe I promise." I said "Pam...Pam is it you? Please get me out of here." She said as she slowly opened her eyes and i saw her red puffy eyes look at me almost relieved and then she started sobbing again "Come here Mercedes. Come here." I said as i slowly helped her up and brought her in my arms and just held her as she was just sobbing more into my chest, but she was so scared that she had vomited all over me and her which made her just cry even harder.  "I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY" "Shhh...It's okay. I'm here now. There's no need to be sorry." I said as i held her as my mother would whenever Mercedes would have a panic attack at night and i wasn't able to calm her down which was I had sat up against the wall with her sitting on my lap and i had her head in my chest as i held her really tightly just stroking her head as i said a little saying my mom had always said to Mercedes whenever she had a panic attack "Everything will be okay. As long as they're away. Me and Pam will make sure your fine through out night. And once you awake we'll be able to eat cake." I said to her until she had calmed down and she was even saying it. 
After doing this for about 5 minutes she finally calmed down, so i looked at her face and she looked at me. "You okay now?" I asked her as i stroked her face "Y-Yeah...thank you for calming me down." She said and i just held her. After a while i let go of her and i stood up from the bed "Patrick let them in. So, they can see she isn't violent like they claimed she is." I asked him to do while i looked back at Mercedes "Hey we're getting you out of this place and we'll go home and I'll take care of you so your safe okay." I said as i saw she was fidgeting in the jacket, so i figure she must feel trapped. "HEY GET AWAY FROM HER SHE'S GOING TO BITE YOUR FACE!" One of the doctors had come in shouting which is what i was afraid of because Mercedes started screaming "GET AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" She shouted as i saw her struggling. I immediately ran to her and just held her very tightly and just started saying what my mother would always tell her "Ms. Pamela get back she's dangerous. My men need to restrain her." I heard someone say but i just held her ignoring them as she started calming down "Pamela...Pamela." Mercedes was saying as she was finally calm "You okay?" I asked her and she just nodded. "Ms. Pamela. You need to get away from her now!" "No! She is not dangerous, she's just scared." I said sternly as i looked back at them. "Just look at how scared she is." I said as i held Mercedes just in case they try to take her "Now i want to take her home from this place and we won't have any more trouble please." I had asked them. "Sorry but we can't do that. She did bite my colleagues which is deemed a violent patient so she is going to have to stay over the night and you can take her tomorrow morning." The doctor said. 

"No. Please I don't want to stay here overnight please." Mercedes said to them very scared "I'm sorry. But you have to stay here especially since she bit my colleague." I felt her start freaking out again "No. No. No, I only bit him because i was scared i didn't know where i was." She said as her voice was breaking at the last few words, so i held her to be able to calm her down. "Actually she can leave. And i have right to arrest you for breaking the law Doctor." Patrick said. "First you guys restrained her with excessive restrains, gave her Anesthesia against her will, and you guys have taken her against her will as well." Patrick said to them. The doctor and Patrick had an intense stare down for a few seconds before the doctor said "Boys Release her Now" The doctor said as i saw them walking to us "And do it gently please." I said as they were about to take off the straight jacket, but thankfully they did and she was so happy to be able to move her arms again that she ended up hugging me. "Thank you. Thank You. Thank You." She said as she hugged me I held her and said "Your welcome. Now lets get out out here." I said as we both let go of each other. "I'll lead you guys outside to the car." Patrick said as we both were walking out of the room. "Pamela i'll be right back I forgot some stuff." Patrick said as he went back down the hallway. "Why don't we go outside and wait for him." I said as i was looking at her sympathetically. "Sure. I just want to get out of here Pamela." She said as she saw stroking her arms up and down as she was uncomfortable "Come on." I said as i put my arm over her and we began walking to the exit of the door when all of a sudden Mercedes started hyperventilating. "Hey whats-" I was very frightened by what i had seen. 

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