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Bayley POV: I haven't slept all night because i am anxious but can you blame me it's going to be the first time that i get to see my best friend in almost 1 month. I still can't believe it's been 8 months since we both got kidnapped and brought down here and now i am ready to leave this place forever and just try to forget everything that's happened. As i was about to get some sleep i heard a knock on the door "Bayley may i come in we need to talk about tonight." Roger said outside the door. I got out of bed and opened the door for him, so i shut the door behind us and locked it "You took your day off right?" I asked him while getting some clothes for tonight for me and some for Mercedes "Yes i have and i made sure my wife Joshua and Erika went out. By the way-" He said before handing me a couple of winter clothes "There is a blizzard tonight so i would recommend wearing these over the thin layers and here take these for Mercedes she's going to need them." He said handing me a pair of underwear and long socks. 

I took them and stuffed them in a backpack that was already full of stuff for this long trip. Me and roger then went to the kitchen to get some bottles of water and a few snacks for Mercedes since she's going to need a lot of food for her to make this trip. "So, everything else is in the Car and it is in the place that i told you and it is functional and should be able to take you and Mercedes to your house. But it does not have an air conditioner, but the heater does work." He said. I just nodded and kept staring at the Hell Room "Hey you'll get to see her soon don't worry it'll be time before you know it." Roger finished saying before i let out a yawn "Why don't you get some rest i'll come and get you at 6PM and then we can start with plan A and if anything goes wrong then we go to plan B." He said to me before walking upstairs and locking me down here by myself. As much as i wanted to take a nap and get some rest i just couldn't because i was anxious about how things were going to go down for the night but after a while i just decided to pass time seeing that it was only 9AM.

So, I just went to the room and just cleaned up to make it look nice and not so suspicious looking when i leave tonight. As i was cleaning i heard something drop on the floor  where Mercedes would sleep so i went to inspect it to see that my mom's ring was on the floor. Then i ended up picking up from the floor to see that it was still in good condition but then i started thinking about my mother which made me start crying because i just wished i had saved her instead of watching her get beat to death. I put my mothers ring in the small Pouche of the backpack and zipped it up and put the backpack away in the closet where Neither Rebecca or Mercedes Mother or Joshua will be able to find it tonight. After finishing cleaning up the room and showering i decided to go into the CAM room to see how Mercedes was holding up as i was looking at her i saw that she was getting sprayed with water and i saw flashes as well as she was trying to cover herself and shield herself because i saw that something was getting thrown at her dirt it looked like. "She must be so scared." I said out loud. After a couple more seconds she was in pitch black darkness again and i unmuted her camera so i can hear her "Look at this filthy animal" "She's disgusting but i can't wait to eat her pussy for dinner" "Can i just touch your breasts..." "PLEASE (ZAP) JUST LEA-(ZAP) ME ALONE!(ZAP)" Mercedes screamed while trying to get away from the people who were now laughing at her "We'll all be seeing you tonight for the show and these guys will pick what part of you they'll eat." I heard Mercedes Mother tell her before i saw Mercedes get pulled into the bars I heard Mercedes's mom tell her "Say Pamela abandon you and she'll never come for you." I saw that she had shook her head before i saw her head get pulled into the bars over and over, but she finally gave in and said, "Pam Abandoned me and she'll never come for me!" she said through her tears, but her head got slammed one more time before she got let go and the doors closed on her. 

I saw then she curled up into a ball where she just started crying "Pam...why did you leave me here...I never did anything...please i'll be a better friend just...just get me out of here." She finished saying before sobbing into her knees. I turned off the Camera that was looking at Mercedes and i felt tears running down my face "I'm coming Mercedes...i'm coming i promise."

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