Baddie 2.0

45 0 0

"That Hairstyle Was A Mistake"
"If you really wanna know about mistakes, ask your parents."

"I Didn't Ask"
"Then why are you still talking?"

"Get A Life"
"Like yours? Nah I'll pass."

"You're Ugly"
"Ok lol"

"You're Stupid"
"Is that right? What exactly did you accomplish in life to make you Einstein."

"You're A Bitch"
"Maybe I am a bitch, but I'm not your bitch."

"Are You Gonna Cry"
"Yea your breath smells like onions."

"Actually I do like cats but I rather dogs."

Reminder This Is All Satire
June 29, 2021 At 2:26 Am

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