Chapter Ten

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"Watson?" I whispered out, my vision going blurry.

All I could hear was the sound of him growling am attacking then recklessly.

Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Jumping to my feet, I shifted quickly, I was no longer in control of my actions.

I think that was the quickest shift ever though.

Growling low and deep at them. I want them dead. I want them dead. I want them dead.

Watson continued attacking, dodging every punch and sedation bullet they threw his way.

Shaking out my back fur, I stalked my prey, baring my teeth and walking closer to them.

"He's lost control! We got two code blues!" a man screamed, god his voice was disgusting.

Pouncing quickly, I looked over him. Kill.

Suddenly my teeth were clamped down around his throat before I ripped harshly, his life ending in the short time it took.

Blood splattered everywhere as Watson continued attacking, his claws finding home in some of them.

"Where's those sedation bombs?! " Tonya screamed. Tonya. Tonya. Kill.

Jumping from the guy I was just on I ran full speed for her.

Suddenly, a brown wolf that was smaller than me jumped between us.

Snapping his teeth and growling I could tell easily that it was Malachi.

"I can smell your fear, runt. " I growled out, my voice grumbling deep and low.

He froze, his tail suddenly ducking between his legs.

"Move." I ordered before hearing the sizzling sound of a smoke bomb being thrown.

_____ *The Next Day*

"No! I don't want to kill her! Please! " I screamed.

Being 9 years old, I'd killed people in the past, and if I didn't, they hurt me.

Pain. Pain was always my biggest weakness, until however, I reached the age of 12.

Then, I stopped feeling anything. Remorse, guilt, pain, sadness.. Nothing.

Thats how I felt right now, staring at the dark, cold wall inside the holding cells.

"Hey there. I see you've woken up.. " Joci said from the other side. I could hear how happy she was.

"Are you ready to come out? " she asked.

Standing up slowly, I walked over and shut the sliding part on the big metal door that allowed you to talk to people outside.

I killed someone. I haven't changed. I'll never get better.

Hearing the sound of the locks opening I sat back down, not sparing her a glance.

"Listen, Kayde, you can't blame yourself for what happened.. " she said quietly.

"I-" I started before stopping.

"Get out. " I stated, my voice going hoarse.

"Kayde.." She trailed off.

"I said get out!" I screamed, my eyes flashing red. However, it was only then that she saw the tears running down my face.

"Kayde, I know it hurts when you hurt  some-" she started before I cut her off.

"Joci. Don't. You have no idea. NO IDEA!" I said, jumping to my feet and yelling the last part as I prodded her with my finger.

"Kill.. That's all they taught me how to fucking do! I cant be human! I'm sick a-and corrupted! " I said in her face, as the tears streamed down mine.

"I've taken hundreds of people's lives! The world would be better off without someone like me around.. " I said, my voice getting quieter now.

"Kayde, no. Don't say that. " she said, trying to comfort me, however her words fell on deaf ears. Or rather, I refused to listen.

Growling loudly, I felt my eyes turn their red color once more.

"Get the fuck out." I growled lowly to her. Her face went blank as her pupild narrowed into slits and her eyes glowed with a golden hugh.

Sighing as I stood up, I closed the door once more before sitting back and staring at the wall, wallowing in my own self pity.

How could I do that to Watson? He shouldn't have to go through the pain of killing another human being. Not like I did.

Leaning back once more, I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind, even for just a second.

______  *Two days Later*

"Kayde." A soft voice stated.

"Kayde I brought you something to eat. " he continued.

I didn't say anything.

"Here, Rena made them. She's doing a lot better now. She said she knew how much you liked eggs and bacon. " Edwin said chirpily, trying his hardest to cheer me up.

I didn't move.

He went quiet for a second before sighing. He sat down the plate before making his way back up the stairs.

As he was going up them, I could hear as he greeted someone. It sounded like they were coming down here.

Can't a guy wallow in peace?

"Hey there, Kayde. " Tonya said in a soft tone.

No reply.

"Hey, bud. You haven't eaten in 3 days. You've got to get some food in you. " she said in a sad tone.


Figuring that I wasn't going to say anything, she let out a deep sigh and I could hear as she put her hands into her coat pockets.

"You know, Joci said they've been asking about you at school. She's gotten all your school work for you as well. "

Who needs school anyway?

Tonya sighed again before the sound of clanging echoed, signaling she was unlocking the door.

I was up in a flash. I growled lowly at her just as she got the door unlocked.

She stopped as we made direct eye contact through the crack in the door.

"Kayde. You have to use your words. " she said calmly.

I glared at her before laying back down. There's no point in trying to fight with her.

She sighed again, only this time it sounded quite agitated. And the  she left.

She left me with my thoughts once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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