Chapter Eight

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"The security footage? " I asked, following him out of the room.
"Yes. Testing wasn't actually starting an hour early today, we set it up. " Watson explained as he pushed open the door to the security room, where Edwin and Joci were sitting with puzzled expressions.

  Tonya roller her chair out of the way as I leaned over to see the screen.

After we shifted, you could see Malachi losing control and the face I made when I realized it before getting the alert from Edwin.

As we fought, my pupild narrowed into slits and when I finally got him pinned, I watched as we made eye contact, causing him to freeze immediately.

Hearing the beastly sounds that came out of me sent chills up MY spine. I really was THAT scary.

Tapping the space bar harshly and spinning around in her chair again, she placed her arm on the table with her fist supporting her head as she gaze up at me.

"I don't think he can control people. " Tonya stated, not breaking eye contact.

"I think he's more of.. an alpha. " she added.

"An alpha?" I asked, dumbstruck.

"Yep. I believe that you are kind of like the king of Grievers. " she said with a smirk.

"That would explain a lot.. However, a real wolf pack doesn't have an "alpha" the ones that rule them are usually the pack elders, not the strongest.

Yes, they do fight for dominance, but they do not fight for the title of alpha. So I didn't what any good scientist would do and did some research. " she said with a toothy grin.

"And? Whatd you find out? " Joci asked excitedly.

"Well, Grievers, such as yourselves, are actually called Lycanthropes or werewolves.

All of these beings have something called a Fated Mate.

Fated Mates or just Mates are a person or fellow wolf that you're meant to be with. You'll feel a strong connection to them from the very beginning.

And, however, after you meet them is a.. scary story... " she said, trailing off at the end.

"What do you mean? " Edwin asked, as he glanced at me.

"After finding your fated mate, you as well as they, will experience a 'heat cycle'". she explained.

" Heat cycle?" Watspn questioned.

"Yes. It's kind of awkward to talk about with kids, but oh well.

It's a period when you feel extremely horny and really want to fuck your mate. " she said, not minding her language at all.

"All animals go through it. Here, " she said as she rolled her chair to her computer. "Watch this video of a normal wolf in heat."

"We have to go through that?" Edwin exclaimed.

"Well, females do. Males however, go through something much worse. It's called a rut.

Rut is a period where the man is constantly hard to the point of it hurting.

Men are more likely to lose their reason for the sole fact that they can't tolerate as much pain as most women. " she finished.

"So when would these cycles begin?" Joci asked as she bit her nails nervously.

"Around a week after you meet them. They'll also last a 3 days to a week. So if any of you have experienced a 'mate situation' we need to know ASAP. " Tonya stated, saying the last part louder than the rest.

"Kayde and I... " Edwin started quietly.

"Both of you? " she asked with an eyebrow raised, pointing from me, to Edwin.

"Wait are you mated to eacho-" she started before being cut off by me.

"Men are not appealing to me. " I stated blankly.

"Oh yes, right.. " she replied, looking quite disappointed.

"Anyways, you started school around 4 days ago, today's thursday.. You'll both be kept out of school all next week." She stated before pointing her finger upwards and jumping up from her chair.

"Oh yeah! Something I forgot to mention is, while in these cycles, you'll release a something called a pheromone, and if strong enough, you could send others into a forced heat. " she explained.


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