CEM "What's that?"

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You stood in the corner of the arena, watching as your mother tore apart a stray grimm with her powers. A mixture of fear and sadness poked at you as you watched the poor grimm.

“What’s that?” you asked

“Do you want to try?” she asked, looking over at you. Her long black hair shimmered in the rare lights.

You shook your head no, looking down at the ground and fiddling with your fingers.

“Come on, don’t be scared.” She smiled wickedly at you, this time up in your face. “It’s easy once you kill your first one. You’re my daughter after all.”

She laid a gentle yet intimidating hand on your back, urging you to step forward. You did so, anxiously holding onto her dress.

She led you to the spot where the paralyzed grimm was. The grimm laid still, though his head moved around. He watched you intently.

“See the way he shows his teeth?” she asked. You nodded. “He thinks you’re an easy target. He wants to eat you. So kill him…..or be killed.”

She moved away from you and took her knife from the grimm. It stood up and began walking. You looked over at your mother, who stood behind you.

“I’ll help you with this one, okay?” she positioned the sword in the palms of your hands and held it steady.

“Mommy…” You stifled, fear coursing through you.

“It’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you.” she kissed your cheek.

You nodded fearfully. 

“Don’t ever make the first move. Keep yourself calm and collected. It can smell your fear.”

You sniffled and stood up straight. If it knows you’re scared, that gives it an advantage.

“Now, watch it carefully, because it’s watching you.” the grimm moved and began scratching at the ground, its eyes never leaving yours. “Don’t move.”

You tried to steady your shaking. The grimm suddenly ran at you, and you screamed.


The blade that was held above you sank deep into the grimms chest.

It writhed and twitched before eventually fading away. Tears ran down your cheeks, yet a slightly excited feeling pumped in you.

“Are you happy?” she smiled.

You shrugged, not sure if you should feel ashamed of the excitement you felt. You felt so...powerful.

“You’re going to be a great woman when you grow up.” Cinder walked to the door, then turned to wink at you. “You’re going to rule Remnant, I just know it.”

She then left you in the room alone, your eyes never leaving the fiery blade she left with you.


Emerald flipped a pancake expertly, then turned to you. You had been on a phase, and this one was where you LOVED to try new foods. This time, you wanted to try blueberry pancakes.

Neo poured some blueberry syrup on them before handing the plate to you. Mercury sat at the table beside you, complaining about the blueberries not being chocolate chips. He frowned when the plate was handed to him, and he grabbed the blueberry syrup to pour on top.

“What’s that?” You asked.

You were shocked! You had never seen blue syrup!!

“This?” Mercury frowned. “You stupid or something?”

Emerald came behind him and slapped him on the back of the head.


“Watch it!” She growled.


“It’s blueberry syrup! It goes on your blueberry pancakes.” She smiled at you before cutting up your pancakes. “Here, try it.”

You opened your mouth, and the taste of blueberries flooded your tongue. It was so good!!

“Mmm.” You smiled to the best of your abilities with the food in your mouth.

“Awww!! My baby likes fruit!!” Emerald pulled out her scroll to take a picture.

Neo ran beside you and held her thumbs up in an approving gesture beside you. Emerald took the picture and smiled.

Now she’ll have something to treasure forever.


You sat on the floor of Mercury’s garage, watching as he messed with a wrench and some piece of metal. Then, he lifted the leg of his pants and removed his leg. Your eyes widened.

“What’s that?” you asked.

“Hm?” he looked at you before looking back down at his leg. “It’s my leg...duh.”

He lifted it and began working on some blue wires on the leg.

“Why-why did you take it offff?” you looked at him and then looked back at the leg.

“Because I have to work on it.”

“Can I take mine off?”

“No, no you can’t.”


“This is a fake leg. You have real ones.”

“Where did it go?”

“My real leg? My dad. He took it. He cut it off.”

“If...if i cut mine off, can I have a fake one too? Can I be like you?”

“No, you can’t cut off your leg. I said no, now no more arguing.”

You frowned. “I wanna be like you.”

“Wh-what?” Mercury looked at you, almost with disgust in his eyes. You wanted to be like him? HIM??? Of all people, you wanted to be like your father? “Why???”

“Cause I love you.” You smiled. “I want to be like you, daddy.”

Mercury fought back tears as he looked down at his leg. 

“No you don’t.” he choked out, and he ignored your puppy eyes. “You will never be like me. Ever.”


“Because the only good thing I’ve ever done in my life was take care of you. I’m the bad guy.”

“No...You’re my daddy.”

Mercury stopped talking and ignored you for the rest of the night. He wasn’t ready to accept the fact that he was loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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