Lionheart first birthday

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Lionheart paced around in his office, looking out the window occasionally. You watched in confusion, wondering why he kept going back and forth so seriously. Maybe the students were misbehaving? No, usually he was more light hearted than that. Maybe…

“It’s almost your birthday!” he called, looking over to you with a shaking smile.

You shrugged it off. What was a birthday anyway? And why did it matter?

“Are you ready to get dressed, my dear?” 

Your father picked you up and sat you on his shoulders before walking out of his office and to your room. There, he sat you on your small brown bed, and dug through your closet in search of something incredible for you to wear. He pulled out a cute outfit and a pair of matching shoes, and began to dress you quickly.

 He pulled out a cute outfit and a pair of matching shoes, and began to dress you quickly

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He was in such of a panic, you thought. Why couldn’t he slow down? Unfortunately, he did not slow down, and you were dressed in a few seconds. He grabbed your hand, and began to drag you down the halls. What was up with him?

It didn’t matter, however, as you were at his office again. Two students were there this time though. You’ve seen them around, but you never knew their names.

“It’s ready!” the girl chirped.

What was ready?

“Great! Go on down, we will be there shortly!” your dad said, and shooed them from his office.

“Come on, I have a surprise for you!” he picked you up and sat you on his shoulders once more before following the same route that the two students had walked.

The hallway turned dark and mysterious, and in your head, there were monsters. Everywhere.

You clung to your father's hair and nibbled on your fingers to calm your anxiety. It didn’t help, however, and you were stuck wondering if you were going to get grabbed.

You weren’t grabbed, and a burst of light filtered through a door. Your father headed straight for it.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!” lots of people yelled at the same time, and the surprise put a smile on your face.

In the middle of the room, there was a beautiful cake. You couldn’t wait to have sweetness on your fingers and frosting on your mouth. You leaned towards it, and Lionheart followed. Then, he cut you a small slice, and allowed you to smear it all over your chubby face.

 Then, he cut you a small slice, and allowed you to smear it all over your chubby face

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“Happy birthday, darling.” he cooed at you as he brushed your hair from your face.

“Ah.” you replied, and focused back on the sweet treat in your hands.

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