Albain Brothers First Birthday

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“Brother, do we have (Y/N)’s diapers?” Corsac called from the living room. 

Fennec rummaged through the diaper bag he had on him.

“No, brother, we do not.”

Ironic, right? No diapers in the diaper bag??

Corsac mentally face palmed. How could he have forgotten them?? The babysitter would definitely need them for the next few days while Corsac and Fennec were at work. How could something so important be so easily forgotten??

“We will have to go to the store then.” Corsac grunted as he lifted you from your crib.

Your wails snapped Fennecs neck to your direction, and in no time he was beside you, taking you gently from his brother and laying you in his arms to continue your slumber. You closed your eyes gently and went back to sleep in Fennec’s warm arms. Corsac threw some clothes on the bed.

“Get her dressed.” he demanded, and left the room.

Fennec rolled his eyes. It was usually him that snapped. He hadn’t seen Corsac get ill as easily as that. It couldn’t have been the diaper issue, no, there was something different that was eating him up.

Fennec gently laid you on the bed. You began sobbing and wriggling around again, and this time Fennec got ill. He played it off though, and in no time had your shirt on you.

“You’re gonna be so pretty, aren’t you?” he cooed. You didn’t stop. “Come on now, can’t you be a little happy?”

Fennec laid one of his fingers in your mouth, and your chubby hands grasped it immediately before sticking it in your mouth. You must have been hurting in your mouth. He smiled down at you before sliding one pants leg on you, then struggled to get the other with one hand. It didn’t bother him though. As long as you were happy, so was he.

You looked up at him through a blur of tears and continued to chew. Finally, he was done, and your outfit looked as cute as ever.

He smiled at his work of parenting, and lifted you before turning out the lights and shutting your nursery door

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He smiled at his work of parenting, and lifted you before turning out the lights and shutting your nursery door. His brother was waiting by the door, and together they made their way to the store, stopping to look at some pretty dresses you saw through shop windows.

“Corsac, isn’t her birthday near?” Fennec asked, watching you skip ahead of them.

“Yes it is.” Corsac responded.

“How near?”

“Tomorrow, brother.”

“We will be gone then.”

“Yes we will.”

“Should we have it today then?”

Corsac looked at Fennec dangerously. He never liked spontaneous plans. They were always too much of a bother for him. But now that they had a niece to share, he would have to put up with it.

“Fennnnecss!” you squealed.

Fennec turned to face you. You were pointing to a shop window with your face turned towards them. A big grin was taped to your cute, chubby face and you were rubbing your finger on the glass. Fennec just had to see what you were pointing at.

It was a cake store, of course, but what you were pointing at was farm more specific than the sign. And it was clear that you definitely wanted it. But what was it?

They were cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes. They had cute little frosted designs and they looked so good that Fennec’s mouth began to water.

 They had cute little frosted designs and they looked so good that Fennec’s mouth began to water

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Of course he had to get them. It was your birthday soon after all. Fennec lifted you and walked into the store.

“Brother! What are you doing? Giving into her will only spoil her!” Corsac shouted, but Fennec ignored him. He had to get you a birthday surprise.

You smiled brightly at the baker as she brought out a box of already done cupcakes and handed them to Fennec. Then, he walked outside quickly to sit you on a picnic table.

“Happy birthday princess.” he smiled as he handed you a cupcake. You bit into it hungrily. Corsac joined and took one too, but he still wasn’t happy about spending money on unnecessary things.

“Say happy birthday to her.” Fennec demanded. 

Corsac shook his head.

“Happy birthday, (Y/N).” he huffed.


Hey guys. It's been a while. Im might just hate me even more, but I think I'll delete some stories. They're never gonna get finished. I'm trying to finish this one though. I'll keep some. I'll just delete like one or two of them. And I'll make a new one to keep you occupied.

Reminder of the day: be happy. Be happy with yourself. Don't change yourself or lose yourself for someone else. Don't become a stranger to yourself for someone else. It's a lot harder to recover❤️

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