Chapter 17 - The Arming of Sir Guy.

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    Guy carried out his nightly reconnaissance over the next three days, stealing into Camelot under cover of darkness each night and returning in the early hours. Whilst he was gone Auriel lay in her straw bed, praying for his safe return. She told herself that it was because she would be unable to carry out her Quest without him, but knowing in her heart that she would be devastated should he come to harm.

    Each night, upon his safe return, she feigned sleep, not wanting him to know of her concern. To his credit he was considerate and went to his bed in complete silence, broken only by the sound of his leathers falling to the ground before he crawled under his blankets, a sound that would have been music to her ears had they been on better terms.

    He slept late after his nightly forays and she repaid his consideration with her own, carrying out the necessary tasks for their comfort outside the cave entrance during the morning, washing any of their clothing that required laundering, at the stream nearby, draping it over bushes to dry in the sun.

    She also foraged daily for nuts and berries to supplement their diet, returning at noon to prepare a light meal, to share with him when he awoke. Their verbal exchanges were still limited, but there was no direct conflict between them and she was thankful for that. It would have been pleasant to be on better terms with him, but she was unwilling to break the fragile truce, though she did take great pleasure in tending a large cut on his cheek that he had incurred whilst crawling through brambles on his second nightly visit to Camelot. Whilst carrying out this small ministration, the proximity of his body caused her heart to race, and she knew he was aware of her discomfort, but the moment passed.

    This awareness of him made it difficult to lie in her bed each night with him lying so close by and she had tossed and turned so much on one occasion that he had sat up and she had heard the smile in his voice when he asked, "What ails thee madam, you make more noise than a nest of rats!"

    It was the closest they had come to pleasantry for a long while and she relished the small advantage, but by morning he had returned to his previous surly mood and she despaired again.

    On the fifth day, having vanished into the trees early to chop more wood for the fire, he returned to the cave, and then ventured into Camelot for a brief spell, there to introduce himself to the local sword smith, who greeted his approach with alarm, no doubt at his strange leather clothing, but he was quickly reassured when Sir Guy informed him that he was lately come from the north, and during the journey he had been set upon by villains, who had robbed him of his sword and mount as he lay sleeping in a wood.

    The sight of gold coin persuaded the sword smith that a bargain was to be struck between them which would be profitable, Guy proffered a design for the sword that was obviously strange to the sword smith, and he commented that he had not seen the like of it before.

    Then measurements were taken and a date of completion ten days hence would see the job done, and after strolling around the town unhindered for a further hour, listening intently all the while, to the conversation of its inhabitants, Sir Guy returned to the cave in a far better temper than when he had left. He stood for a few moments watching her from the trees as she went about her daily tasks, though she was unaware of his gaze.

    "By the saints, she is lovely," he said to himself, "I almost wish I could...." but then he pushed the thought into the back of his mind and walked into the cave that he now called home, a home that was really a prison, for he was totally dependent on her for his eventual liberty.

    "You appear pleased with your morning's work my lord," she said, "sit and tell me of it." She was surprised when he concurred, sitting down on one of the tree stumps by the fire which served as chairs, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees while she remained kneeling on the floor before him.  She looked at him expectantly and he did not look away, but remained silent, looking down at her intently.

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