Chapter 2

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Ratchet landed on metal floor.
"What the heck?" Ratchet shouted as he saw empty room. It was large but only thing what was there was old computer next to him. Ratchet walked closer to it and saw letters B.E.E. Lombax was confused by it. Next to the computer on the floor was camera. Ratchet picked it up and looked at some of the pictures. There was young lombax next to her father. Behind them was the same computer but it was activated. There was robot face looking at them.
"What happened?" Ratchet asked. He put his hand on the keyboard and it activated. On the screen was site what wanted password. "7 letters?" Ratchet asked:"What is word with 7 letters?" He looked around and said:" There must be something what will give me a clue. I need to find out what is going on with this world and find Clank." He sighed. He saw some letters next to the door in the other side of the room. "Tempest?" Ratchet asked as he read them:" Must be it."
He typed it and the robot face appeared. Ratchet yelped. Robot looked at him and clicked. Ratchet said:" I never have seen you before. You suprised me." Robot clicked with wonder. Ratchet asked:" Can you talk?" Robot shook it's head. "That's bad," Ratchet said:" But can you record things?" His voice came as the answer:" Can you record things?" Ratchet said:" That's great. I need to know what is going on here and rescue my friend. He is robot too." Robot wasn't happy when he said it. Ratchet said:" Oh right. Here isn't much friendly robots. Can you help me?" Robot nodded as it looked at lombax. It chirped. Ratchet said:" Sorry, i don't talk clicks." Suddenly the male grown up lombax appeared on the screen.
"I'm almost done with my invention," he said:" I'll call it Beta Energy Enity, or B.E.E for short. She has that name because i want her to be the most living thing and i saw big energy ball what will power her. Actually i will become father so my child will never be alone, so yeah. I'll boot her up." He typed something in the computer and something chirped. "Who-ho!" lombax shouted:" She works!"
The next thing what computer showed was the same lombax there and he was sad. "My wife is ill," he said:" When she'll die then our future child will too. I try something stupid. I still have energy ball with me so i take some pieces from it and make juice for her. Get it? Juice. Anyway, it's my best idea so far." Time cut..." Long time no see," lombax said:" Anyway it's what you missed. It worked! The child is safe. But mother...(*sigh*). Anyway, i have daughter! Tempest, as i named her, has special..." Suddenly the robot appeared. "Resistence base found!" it said.
Ratchet was shocked when the male lombax was killed in front of the screen. "Dad!" girl's voice was heard. Robot's face appeared. She seemed to be sad. "Where's Tempest now?" Ratchet asked. Robot shook her head. Ratchet asked:" Are you B.E.E?" Robot nodded. (I'll call her just Bee). "So this base is found and no one can stop Nefarious?" Ratchet asked. Bee nodded. Ratchet said:" Don't worry. I will do my best." Bee looked at him with hopeful eyes. "You need body," Ratchet said:" But do you actually want to come with me?" Bee nodded. Ratchet said:" Alright then. I need to find the parts first to build you body. By the way i'm mechanic. But not in robot fixing degree." Bee clicked happily.
Soon in front of Ratchet was yellow robot with blue lines. It's model was similar to Clank. "Now i need to put your consciouness inside it," Ratchet said:" Somehow." Suddenly yellow spark appeared and went to the body. Robot woke up and looked at her hands. Ratchet asked:" How are you feeling?" Bee chirped happily. Ratchet asked:" Why you can't talk?" Bee started her recording and told him:" My creator didn't have time to program it into me." Ratchet took her and put her into his back, like with Clank. Ratchet said:" I think that i can help you with it. But now, i need Nefarious' base's map." He sighed.
"I hope i'm not too late," he whispered.

Ratchet and Clank: Into the tempestWhere stories live. Discover now