Chapter 6

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Tempest, Bee, Ratchet, Clank and old man reacted to the door on the ground.
"Go in," old man said:" There nobody will find you. I'll distract them." Tempest grabbed into man's hand and said:" No, please. I can't lose you too." Man smiled and put his hand to lombax's hand with saying:" You live in the past, kid. You need to learn to let go and move towards the future." Tempest sighed and let go. Ratchet opened the patch and said:" We need to go!" Tempest gave the final look to the man and jumped in.
Inside the empty hallways Tempest was very quiet. Ratchet said:" I know how that feels. I lost my family too. In fact i never knew them. Only one i had was Clank. It may be true that i had a girl. But i kept on saving the galaxy so i never had good time with them." Clank added:" I almost lost Ratchet many times. But i never look at those moments. Because it's not important now." Tempest nodded. But suddenly she stepped in front of Ratchet. "You won't go to Nefarious' base," she said with stern look. Ratchet asked as he stopped. "Why?" he asked:" We need dimentionator." Tempest answered:" We need to be unharmed to use it. You can't use it when you're dead." Ratchet asked:"What now?" Clank thought for a moment and said:" We need to go there in unprotected hallways." Tempest nodded and said:" All we need is a map." Ratchet suddenly shouted:" A map! Bee has it!" Bee nodded. Clank asked:" When?" Ratchet said:" Let's just say that i saw that she took you away." Bee started to chirp and beep. "What's wrong?" Clank asked her. Tempest turned around and saw... Nefarious on the robot what looked like a crab! "I got you now, Tempest," Nefarious said:" It's for my second command's dissappearence!" The grab punched the ground and lombaxes ducked. Clank saw a small tunnel there. "We can escape from there," he said. Tempest said:" Good eye! Let's go!"
Lombaxes needed to bow to walk there. Ratchet asked:" Why is he after you?" Tempest sighed and said:" I stole something from him." She took something inside her shirt. It was a necklace. It was round with glowing blue circles on it. "It was my mother's," Tempest said:" I saw pictures of her with this on. Nefarious' warbot took it to him until i went there and took it back. At the same time the same robot was there. It shooted the lazor plades at my hand where it was. I lost the finger when i got hit." Ratchet said:" I can't imagine how much it hurts. But i have seen worse. I met someone who lost her entire right arm." Tempest answered:" And almost my right eye." She pointed to her scar on her face. Clank asked:" How that happened?" "Ask Ratchet," she said:" But this time i deserved it." Ratchet gave out the small laugh. "You don't know the half of it," Ratchet said to her:" You damaged Clank." Tempest said:" Actually, you did it. I just shielded myself with him." Suddenly they heard a beeping sound. Ratchet shouted:" Down! Now!" There was explosion in front of them. "Target locked!" one of the warbots said:" Destroy lombaxes but to not harm robots." Tempest growled. Ratchet looked at the bracelet and back at the robots. Suddenly he took Clank off his back and took Tempest's bracelet off her neck. "You are looking for the lombax who stole the bracelet, right?" he asked as he stepped forward. Clank asked:" What are you doing?" Ratchet ignored him and stepped in front of the robots, hands raised. "I have something you want," he continued:" I'll give it to you when you promise me to not harm her or robots." Tempest was frozen with shock. Nefarious walked there with his crab robot and said:" It's deal." He turned to his robots:" Capture him and let others go! I don't need Tempest anymore or the robots." Ratchet looked at Tempest who stood there with wide eyes and mouth. "You know what to do," Ratchet said:" Get the dimentionator and go to our dimention. It's what you really want, right?" Tempest nodded slowly and took Clank into her arms.
Ratchet said quietly to himself:" I know that Nefarious is dead after it's over."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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