Chapter Five

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June 13, 2021

Seventeen days after the release of Friends: The Reunion


12 days and counting. It's a long time to be considered a follow through to where we left it off the 1st of June, but here we are at last. I wanted to get here earlier. I made plans but it kept getting postponed because of personal and work responsibilities in NY that I had to take care of myself. I posted some Reunion snaps on Instagram as a sort of a buffer these past few days, and she liked them (and my other old posts as a bonus) so I'd take those as a good sign. But now I'm finally here in LA, outside the enormous house of a mutual friend where a party's currently in full swing. Not really my scene nor an ideal place for this but hopefully it'll do. It's only gonna be casual. I don't want to push her and make her uncomfortable so I don't think I can be too forward. I'm just gonna spend some time with her, confirm that we're on the same page, and ask the question. It's a big step for us (if it happens or when it does), and I'm terrified of the outcome, but I'm very excited too.

I text Lisa and promise I'll give her updates soon.

"Wish me luck," I type.

"I will, but maybe you won't need it," she quickly replies.

I think I need all the help I can get.

I walk inside and find familiar faces and a less desirable setting. It's a PARTY kind of party, not a dinner with friends party or a game night party, it's a PARTY. Dim lights, loud music, chaotic energy.

Adapt and survive, David. Adapt and survive.

First order of business: look around for Jen. After a couple of minutes of asking around and keeping my eyes peeled, I find her gregariously chatting with friends near the dining room where there's less noise. My heart quickens its pace in response to the sight of her in a simple knee-length black dress. Her hair's loose, champagne in hand - she's beautiful as ever.

I take a deep breath and walk towards her. Two steps forward and she locks eyes with mine. A huge smile plasters on her face as she moves away from her group and meets me halfway. That's a good sign.

"David! You're here!"

"I am." We hug and for a brief moment, I gather strength from the warmth of her. "I got an email invitation from our host and thought why not? Should be fun!"

She steps back and I see the look on her face shift from surprise and delight to... worry? But it disappears just as quickly.

"Any of the gang around?" I ask.

"No, just me. But I saw Carlos and Diane earlier by the bar if you wanna say hi."

"Sure, maybe later. I think I'd like to stick with you." I smile at her and she easily smiles back.

A nice and laid-back conversation builds up as we continue to stand by the kitchen counters and I feel myself worrying less. I can sense she's getting comfortable too. This ease between us is the feeling I enjoy the most when I'm with her. It's the relaxing sound of fire crackling by the fireplace in the middle of a snowstorm.

This is probably a good time to work on the impending question.

She tells me a funny story about a prank she did on a co-star. I find myself enjoying the eye contact, the sound of her voice and her laugh, the light touches I leave on her arm that she allows me to do. Everything seems to be going well.

"I think I need another drink," she says.

"I'll get it for you. Champagne again?"

"Something a little stronger. A dirty martini."

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