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Miranda sighed as her pager beeped again. She looked down. 911.

Throughout the week, she'd been busy both with work and spending time with her son. She hasn't slept a ton, and she hasn't seen much of Ben. Last she'd seen him was in an OR, and even then, they couldn't talk as much, compared to when it was just the two of them.

They did, however, text frequently, and she loved getting to know him. He had a brilliant mind, and his humor never failed to make her crack a smile or let out a laugh.

She hurried her way to the ER, where talk of a massive car accident was floating between the residents and nurses.

"What's up?" Miranda made her way through and talked to Callie.

"5 car pileup. It's pretty nasty. They're taking a while to get here." The ortho goddess sat on a stool, waiting along with the residents. Miranda couldn't spot some doctors and she assumed they helped in triage in the accident area.

"5 minutes, guys!" A nurse shouted on top of all the excited murmurs.

Miranda nodded, going with Callie at the ER entrance, gloving down and putting their yellow gowns on. She was amped up, her blood rushing in her ears. She was ready for the carnage she was about to see, and her brain was wired to her surgeon mode.

The sound of the sirens reached her ears, and some part of her was saddened by the accident. The amount of people hurt, wounded, or even killed, sometimes astounded her. But she shook that thought out of her head and she focused as the ambulance stopped in front of them.

The doctors hurried to the two ambulances, getting ready to work.

Nicole jumped down as the doors opened. "Tyler Green, 27, multiple contusions to the chest and abdomen, and obvious trauma to the head…"

Miranda lost what she said next as the other ambulance stopped and opened the doors.

Matthew glanced at her and nodded. "Benjamin Warren, 35, tachycardic and hypotensive en route. Obvious head injuries, GCS 13 in the field, now 12."

She stood there, taking in the several wounds and Ben's scarred face. His eyes were drooping, but he was mumbling something.

His voice spurred her into action. "Ben? Ben! I'm here." She grabbed his hand, enclosing it with hers tightly.

"M-Miranda. I need to… I need to talk to Mira..da… Gr-Grey Sloan," he murmured, his eyes unfocused but still responsive.

"It's gonna be alright, okay?! You hear me, Ben Warren? You are going to be okay!" They wheeled him in, and she let him go, going into shock.

She can't believe her friend-maybe-fling-maybe-boyfriend just got into an accident, and is being looked after by her colleagues.

"Bailey! We need you here…" Richard came up to her, seeing her gaze locked at Trauma 1. He followed her eye line to the room, and his eyes widened. "Bailey! Bailey. Mandy!"

Her childhood nickname made her blink and her eyes focused on her mentor. "C-Chief!"

"You go in the waiting room, Bailey. I'm not letting you near patients in this situation."

"But Chief! I--

"This is not a request, Mandy. Your boyfriend is there, and you cannot go near patients. You know the rules." He pointed at her, matching his stern look.

Miranda sighed dramatically and threw her hands up. "Fine!"

She gritted her teeth. She was really hyped to heal and save lives today, but she realized her hands were shaking.

Her head lifted and she saw Ben flatlining. She froze for a second, and her heart beat fast in her chest, unlike his, which was unresponsive as they did chest compressions on him.

She was shook out of her trance, and immediately, her feet led her inside the trauma room. "Benjamin Warren, I swear to God, come back to me, right now!"

She didn't know what her feelings for him were, but she wanted to explore it with him. And she couldn't do that if he was gone. Just… the possibility of them was up there and losing him this early wouldn't destroy her, but it would do her some damage, and she wasn't ready for that yet.

His heart started beating again, and she sighed in relief, finding tears dripping down her face.

Miranda looked around the room, seeing Meredith, Derek and Lexie staring at her in shock. "Go back to work. And he better not die, you hear me?"

Derek nodded. "We got it, Bailey."

"Didn't seem like it," she snapped, but then she caught herself. "Just… do your job and keep him alive."

She left abruptly, heading to a supply room, catching her breath. In the short time she's known him, he'd actually forced himself into her heart, and she's afraid to lose him just as she was falling for him.

Miranda grabbed at her chest, and she closed her eyes, trying not to imagine his unconscious body laid still on the stretcher. Instead, she imagined his lively self, grinning at her.

"It's gonna be okay, Miranda."

His voice echoed in her ear, and she nodded, as if he was right there with him. She nodded, wiping her tears. She put on her 'Bailey' face and made sure she was as presentable as she could be, and she hurried out the door.


a/n : this one's a little short, sorry. but what's going to happen to ben???

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