Chapter 4

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A blanket of darkness surrounded Emmeline as she clutched onto her cloak to bring warmth into her bare arms. She walked into the palace and got started, working.

Taking her time, Emmeline polished the frames of the paintings. The details on the frame fascinated her. Cleaning thoroughly was a way of Emmeline showing respect to the delicate, golden frames. At some points, her fingertips would follow the design in admiration. 'How did someone create something like this?' she thought.

Past midday and Emmeline had finished all 156 portrait frames in the southern-east wing. Just as the cloth met the next frame in the northern wing, a maid rushed towards her.

"Quick, King Silas has called a meeting." A maid with strawberry blonde hair said, rushed.

Immediately Emmeline dropped the cleaning rag into the bucket and followed the other maid into the main room of the castle. Turn after turn, they finally made it to the main room. Colossal bronze doors stood open and just like the rest of the palace, it was decorated in embedded artwork. The whirls and lines interlocked but made their journey through the door. The bronze shimmered in the natural lighting.

Emmeline entered and already most of the maids had filled up the room. Further, into the large room, there was a wide platform with stairs leading up the sides to it. The room had golden curtains and white walls. The tiled floor was a pristine white. Emmeline felt as though the shoes on her feet were not worthy to stand in the magnificent room.

The maids made themselves into many rows, Emmeline was pushed and shuffled into the second row. Her eyes glanced side to side, nervously. In her anxiousness, she didn't realise that King Silas had arrived and each step he took made a deep thud as he got onto the stage. He turned to face his audience and flicked his vast fur cloak back behind him.

His eyes scanned each row unconsciously, it was as if his mind was looking for someone. The moment his eyes landed on Emmeline, his heart picked up speed. She was just as he remembered her from yesterday. Even when going to sleep, he dreamt of her and when he woke he wondered, 'Someone I have never met, is it possible to miss them?' It was like he was seeing her for the first time when in reality they had seen each other the night before. He observed her features again, trying to memorise every detail that her face, hair and skin presented before him.

Marissa stood in conjunction with him and asked subtly, "Sire," she bowed her head, "Is there anything the matter?"

"No," He muttered, eyes glued to Emmeline, who was trying to control her extreme anxiousness. The cause: being in the middle of large crowds. She didn't even acknowledge King Silas' sharp stare.

Silas announced, "My mother shall arrive in a few days. Make the preparations needed to make her stay comfortable." His voice boomed to the back of the substantial hall and vibrated back to him. "That is all. You may depart."  He made his way out of the room and the maid split apart like the red sea for him to walk through.

Everybody made their way out of the room to continue their specific jobs around the castle. When the last few were leaving behind everybody else, Emmeline stood there trying to catch her breath, being in situations where she was in the middle of large crowds made her feel trapped. 'At least next time I know to stand at the back.' she thought.

A hand laid on her shoulder, unexpectedly and she turned to face the familiar electric blue eyes and short blonde haired girl. It was Harriet. "Are you alright, Emmeline?"

"Yes, I just don't like being in the middle of large crowds. It makes my stomach turn and my heart beat fast." Emmeline informed.

With much empathy, Harriet spoke, "It's alright. We all have our fears but let's get you back to work, okay?"

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