Chapter 13

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Murky clouds rumbled as the sky lit up with lighting. Her gaze had overtaken with cheerlessness as they fell on the window that framed the outside world. Never did she think that the way her being felt was being replicated by nature. Emmeline's hand clutched her mother's, sitting in the hospital room.

The eyes, the soul of her mother, was closed. Her chest still gave evidence of her place in the world. Heart beating with intent to keep its owner alive. Their mother's skin was naturally pale but her lips, which usually had a rosy tint, started to fade in colour. Quiet sobs engulfed the air in the room, making the atmosphere darken even more.

Whistling of the wind against the hospital window and the patter of the heavy rain, increase the hopelessness in the sisters. Emmeline's head rested beside her mother's thigh and she continued to clasp her mother's loving hand. The same hand that fed her when she was young, the hand that was always gentle, the hand that only loved, the hand that gave her a small amount of desire for her life. Her mother gave her the drive to do right for her because she did the same thing for her when they were left with no father.

Useless cries had come to an end, and Esmeralda was left empty and confused. The tears that ushered out of her system did no good. Looking up to the only thing keeping the family afloat in a sea of devastation and harshness, Emmeline sat opposite her. The window behind Esme assured her that others knew the feeling she felt. Admiration crossed Esme's face while staring at her older sister, since they had been in the hospital room not one tear escaped her chocolatey orbs. She never knew how Emmeline stayed so sturdy, it was something she could never master. Esme's emotions always surfaced even when she strived to keep them in the pits of her stomach.

"I am going to go and get something to eat, Em. Would you like anything specific?" Esme stood from her cushioned seat which had her cloak hanging from it. Flicking her light emerald cloak on, raring to leave.

"Are you going back to the lodges?" A croak escaped deep within Emmeline as a result of not using her voice for a long period of time. Esme nodded. "Can you bring me back some fruit?"

Esme made a yes sound and muttered, "I'll be back." Before walking out of the room.

A few hours later, the door opening resonated in the silent room. The tapping of rain against the window had come to a slow halt. Esme entered with a picnic basket full of food and their belongings that they may need in the morning.

"Here you go, Emmeline. I bought your fruits but I thought you may crave something more. Fruit isn't as filling as some make it out to be." She informed.

"Thank you."

Silence occupied the room once again and Esme made herself comfortable in the now cold seat. Emmeline ate with no urgency, her chews were deliberate as if she was forcing herself to eat. Eating was not on her priority list so she had been putting it off the whole day.

This felt like a trek that was up mountains of sorrow and knee-deep mud of despair. At this point, she was barely alive. The only thing that made Emmeline remember that she was living was Silas. He was a constant reminder that she could act freely without feeling like a burden. His touch stirred something the Emmeline didn't know existed. She shed her tears on Silas and shared her thoughts with him to be the anchor her family needed to survive.

"I need to tell you something, Em." Esme started of nowhere.

"Ok," Emmeline glanced at her mother before turning her attention to her sister. "What is it?" She whispered.

Esme sat at the edge of her seat and stared at her increasingly interesting fingers fiddling with each other. "Um, at school," She paused and let out a shaky breath. "They are not very nice." Eyelashes fluttering avoiding tears crawling down her cheeks.

"Oh Esme, what did they do?" Emmeline's features morphed into hurt for her sister.

Bottom lip wobbled as she took a breath, "They insult me by laughing at Ma's condition and when I defend Ma's honour, my friends leave my side and join the opposition. I have never felt as betrayed as I did today. They say that you and I will be orphans soon and have predicted when mother will die." Her hand covered her now soaked face and her body shook in woe, "They all laugh at me. At our family's expense. I don't know what to do." She paused as she began rocking back and forth with her head hung low and sobs making their emergence, "What do I do?" Hurt written all over her body, anger in her veins being suppressed by so much sadness.

Making her way to her crying sister, Emmeline embraced her little sister. She was silent for a time before her tongue spoke wise words, "Some people are ill in the mind. Although some see their behaviour and deem them normal, it doesn't mean they are."

"How do you know this? Surely if they are ill they should be diagnosed."

Emmeline nodded, "Yes, you would think so but some fall through the cracks. Which sane person would allow such hurtful things to come out of their mouths if they were not ill? If they were not ill, they would know that the things they say affect your well-being and mental health. If they were not ill, then they wouldn't seek pleasure in someone's misery. If they themselves are not ill, then they would know the feeling you felt when they make fun of Ma's health." Emmeline massaged her sister's light brown hair, her sobs stopped and hiccups replaced them. "In this case, when I say ill, I mean it as an analogy. I mean to say that if they felt the things you go through then they wouldn't laugh as they do now and just because they can't be diagnosed doesn't mean they are not ill."

Tranquillity screamed from Esme as she was still embraced in her sister's arms, she understood Emmeline's meaning. The fingers that raked through her were a lullaby that persuaded her into a deep sleep. Her brown orbs were now shut from the world and her body relaxed. Emmeline gently laid Esme's head on the side of the bed beside their mother's leg and returned to her seat.

Thoughts invaded her rushing mind. Images of her being in complete contentment with Silas were appealing. She pictured a life where Silas was not married and kissed her lovingly every day, a life that didn't require heartbreak at every turn. A universe where she woke up next to the person she loved and loved her back. A life where Esmeralda was happy at school and had friends that made her laugh until the sides of her stomach ached, making her feel better when she hit a curve in the road. To guide her better than Emmeline could (not being her age or understanding the types of stress she goes through). A life where their mother was not ill or in pain, where she could breathe freely and be untroubled. To be close to the one she loved, next to the father of Emmeline and Esmeralda.

Though none of it could become reality. 'Silas and I will never be together, I mean what am I thinking? He is married and THE king. A maid for a wife?! What an absurd idea. As for Esme, people are always going to be cruel. I cannot always protect her from the evils of the world. Even if she had friends that made her laugh, one may betray her. Our mother will get better with time and I know that father will never come back for Esme, mother or me. So I will let that fly out of the windows with the birds and let the wind's breeze carry it away with the hope of it beside the idea.

Deep within Emmeline, she knew her mother loved her father. Whenever he was mentioned, the regret and love mixed appeared in their mother's eyes. Her head would arch downwards and sadness would overflow through her body, and then she would asked to be left alone.

Emmeline clasped her hands together and rested her elbows on the bed next to her mother. She did the only thing that she thought would save her mother.

"Please allow my ma to wake up," She prayed to no one in particular, just the universe, "I know sometimes I am not the best person and some days I can try harder but please don't let my mother suffer. I can't have her go yet, she is too precious and although I pray for her happiness and peace of mind, we need her here with us."

Eyes fluttered open and a huge intake of air invaded her lungs. "Emmeline."

Emmeline's unclasped her hands and tears of joy scurried down her cheek, "Ma, you're okay."  She kissed her hand in her grasp and laid her cheek on her knuckles, tearful.

Just thought I should update a bit earlier, waiting a week to update feels long for some reason.

Hope you enjoyed, please vote, comment and share.


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