Chapter 16

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The sun gazed down in happiness and the rays licked Emmeline's glass-like skin. Her mood matched the sun's, the satisfying feeling when you're on top of the world and everything begins to happen to your liking.

Emmeline had always felt that the world had been against her as if she was in a stream with a strong current and she was going in the opposite direction of the current. The struggling to keep going and keep her head above water, made her want to give up completely but something was telling her to resist giving in to the temptation, the satisfaction of giving up; to sink to the bottom of the stream.

When she got the job at the castle, she felt as if she were gradually making her way to the shore and when her mother made her recovery, she could finally stop struggling to swim. A feeling of relief was a luxury for her and finally, she could breathe.

Clutching to her cloak that hung on her left forearm, the disappearing sun rays beat down and a small amount of perspiration gathered on her forehead. She used the back of her hand to wipe it away.

Her journey home came to an end as she opened and passed through the threshold into the lodge. Emmeline hung up her cloak on a hook among several others at the door.

Her mother was comfortably sleeping on the couch and Emmeline checked her breathing and her pulse, both of which were steady. No wheezing could be heard from her airways. This made Emmeline conclude that her mother was alright.

Sauntering into the bedroom, she noticed that Esmeralda was not back yet and remembered that she had wanted to go to a sleepover. Although she wanted to detest her since her so-called friends betrayed her, she couldn't deny her the need to fit in and have fun. Emmeline wanted to shield her from the evils of the world but if she did that Esmeralda wouldn't be able to learn if mistakes couldn't be made.

Emmeline changed out of her gown and wore her favourite white lace gown that flowed down to her ankles and was long-sleeved. The little breeze the summer provided, the dress allowed it to touch and lessen her body temperature hence why it was her favourite for the summer.

Grabbing her book and her shoes, she made her way to the stream behind the lodges. The trees shrouded the gentle stream, creating a coolness against the hot weather.

She scanned the area before putting her book and towel down at the same tree that she sat at once before. Removing her only article of clothing, she stepped into the cool stream and she instantly sighed.

Dipping her head under and coming up for air, she thought about the day she had. She thought about the many moments she had had with Silas. If only the instants shared were not treacherously deadly. This lethal connection that Silas and Emmeline had was like a drug. Anytime she was around him, her body swayed to his ballad. The enchantment was almost so drowning that she couldn't do anything but follow his lead at the beginning of this forbidden dance.

All this made her smile gently and her hands cupped the top of her head to press the water out of it by trailing her hands down to the back of her head.

The only thing that deterred her smile was the known fact of Silas being married. People of the kingdom knew King Silas to be a man of his word. As well as that, he was the king. Others in the court-noblemen and governors would never approve of a relationship between a commoner and a king. I was against the legislation that had been written many years ago.

After 30 minutes of relaxing in the lake, Emmeline dried off and wore her dress before sitting against the tree, allowing herself to get lost in a book she was in the middle of.

Another 30 minutes passed and she decided it was time to go inside.

Upon stepping inside, Emmeline's mother clutched a book and read it intently, leaning on her elbow.

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