Chapter 7

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Darkness of the early morning consumed the city but it was time for Emmeline to go to work. She had not slept at all as worry wrapped around her mind like a serpent.

Torment enclosed her body making her weak. Her hand stroked Esmeralda's unruly light brown hair as she slept soundly, gloomy bags had situated themselves under her eyes just as they did on Emmeline.

Thoughts ran and dodged other thoughts but the one that stood out was her sister's well-being. Of course, there was a concern for her mother, who they had not had news about yet but it was out of her control.

"Esme? Esme, wake up." Emmeline shook her sister. Her exhausted eyes flickered open and confusion contorted her face then recognition replaced it.

"Is ma well? Is she awake?" Esme sat up like an excited child, her eyes lit up persuading Emmeline to tell her good news.

"Um, Esme," Emmeline said, softly. Happiness was reverted into sadness as events of last night remained trapped in Esmeralda's head. "They have not informed me of any news, sister, I am sorry."

Emmeline blinked away unhushed tears, which were poking and stinging at her eye, signalling her to let them fall free. Although Emmeline wanted to let all her build up emotions loose, she needed to be strong. Over the years holding in sadness, stress and anger were becoming second nature.

Clearing her face of feelings, she announced sternly, "You need to go to school, Esmeralda. You can't stay here the whole day." It was Monday morning, time for everything to resume.

Esmeralda spoke, "I do not want to leave Ma. What if she wakes and I am not there?"

"You won't miss anything and you will be able to come here straight after school is over."

Nodding, she didn't argue with her sister's request. Esme did not want to add to her distress. She could only imagine what her sister was thinking and feeling because Emmeline never made those known.

Esmeralda stood on the tips of her toes and pecked her sister's forehead before casting her cloak over herself to make her way to the entrance/exit of the hospital. She followed Emmeline's command even though her body willed her to rebel against the orders.

Emmeline scanned the hallway she and her sister spent the night in, waiting for word from the doctor. But alas, nothing. She exhaled and turned to leave also. They had been to the hospital so many times that they knew a messenger would alert them of any change in their mother's condition.

The journey to the palace felt longer, every step felt like a huge rock was chained to her feet. Tiredness had finally pummelled into her petite body as she was halfway up the staircase towards the palace, she stumbled up a few steps before regaining the little awakeness she had to continue. She couldn't be late again.

The kitchen was already bustling with maids and cooks when Emmeline got there and she remembered that later today the former Queen, King Silas' mother, was visiting. Memory of the meeting that King Silas called came to mind, but at the time her full attention ran away with the wind.

Focus was not Emmeline's strongest ability, distraction always got the better of her, and finding something to think about was none of difficulty. She walked urgently through the archway, having already put her belongings away, reminding herself that she had gained responsibility for giving the King and Queen breakfast.

"Emmeline, you have finally arrived," Marissa greeted as Emmeline stepped into the kitchen area. "My dear, you must hurry, King Silas has requested you bring breakfast to his room for him and Queen Zella." A platter filled with various types of food: cheese, bread, strawberries, etc, was handed to Emmeline.

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